Thurles MD Draft Vision

Thurles Municipal District is a safe, inclusive and inviting place, where all of us are valued and supported to be well, to contribute and to flourish. We understand the need to protect our life-giving environment. Our economy is sustainable and advanced by our strong local democracy and active community participation. We learn from each other, our diverse cultures and our heritage to ensure a positive future for all.

Participation, Democracy and Good Governance

We all understand how government works and we can influence decisions that affect us. Our local authority communicates effectively and operates in a clear and transparent manner. Local representatives are diverse, trained and accountable. Our community groups are supported to participate and achieve their objectives.

  • The Local Authority uses all available media to engage with citizens and inform them about its work, how this relates to all of us and how we can get involved.
  • The Local Authority uses best practice in good governance, operates transparently and demonstrates this to everybody.
  • Our local elected representatives reflect the diversity in our communities. They are well trained, value all voices, and work to address the needs identified by our communities.
  • We have a variety of mechanisms that support participation of all community sectors in Local Government decision-making.
  • The administration requirements for community groups are reasonable and funding is straightforward and accessible.

Social and Community Development

This is a safe community that is inclusive, accessible and inviting. All of us feel, and are, valued, included and supported to get involved. We have a range of facilities that accommodate many activities and meet the needs of all the different groups in the community.

  • All ages and abilities are engaged and participate in the community and benefit from their shared experience.
  • We have flexible, multi-use community spaces that support services, recreation and social enterprise for all.
  • We have a variety of ways in which we support one another both emotionally, socially and practically.
  • There is good local transport available to everyone through a mix of public, private and social networks.
  • Facilities and services within our communities are fully accessible.

Health (Physical and Mental)

Thurles Municipal District is a safe place where we are educated to live well and everyone is supported through the provision of high quality accessible services and facilities to achieve this.

  • We have well-structured high quality and accessible health services available to all. These are efficient and seamlessly co-ordinated with all care and support services across our community. We care equally for the mental and physical health of all our citizens.
  • Our communities have good facilities and are resources to meet local needs and to support groups and individual that provide care, services and activities.

Work, Economy and Resources

In Thurles Municipal District our sustainable is built on our local strengths. We have great infrastructure that supports enterprise and workers. There is a range of education and training opportunities available to all ages and abilities to access employment. Communities are consulted and involved in the well-planned development of their areas and supported to make minimum environmental impact.

  • We promote and develop local tourism and amenities.
  • We have comprehensive communications and transport infrastructure.
  • Education, training and supports are provided to ensure there are no barriers to people being able to enter the workforce.
  • Commercial and social enterprise is supported through a variety of measures.
  • It is simple for community groups to apply for funding and running costs are minimised.
  • Our green economy supports sustainable jobs, home, food production and work practices.
  • We are consulted about identifying and developing our local strengths and assets.

Environment and Sustainability

We are all environmentally aware and take all possible steps to protect and enhance our precious environment.

  • We are carbon neutral and use renewable energy sources in our transport, homes and businesses.
  • Our planning system delivers maximum community benefit and minimal environmental impact.
  • Re-use and recycling generate jobs and resources and we have minimum unusable waste.
  • We understand the value of our wildlife and protect it.
  • Our community is involved in local food production and all food producers make minimal environmental impact.
  • We are all happy to take on responsibility for protecting and enhancing our environment as we engage in many forms of education on all aspects of the environment.
  • We have safe and accessible amenities that allow us to enjoy our environment.
  • We appreciate our local heritage and actively protect it.

Values, Culture and Meaning

Heritage and culture are very important to us. We preserve and actively share our unique Irish and local heritage. We understand, value, and celebrate all the diverse cultures in our community.

  • All of us are engaged in education, promotion and the sharing of our heritage and cultures, especially down through the generations.
  • We value and protect our natural environment and built heritage, our local history, Irish language and traditions.
  • We actively come together and celebrate all the different cultures within our community.
  • We understand and accept that individuals and families are diverse.
  • We have a thriving culture of arts, theatre and music that is well resourced and supported.

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