Nenagh MD Draft Vision

Nenagh is a positive and safe place to live. We are an inclusive and integrated community with a good work-life balance. The community is involved in the decisions that affect us and everyone contributes to enhancing our community and environment. We protect and enjoy our natural and built heritage and live sustainably within the capacity of our natural environment. We respect all our citizens and have excellent services and facilities that enable individuals to live their best lives.

Social and Community Development

Our community is innovative and inclusive, with a strong sense of decency and community spirit. It is a friendly, welcoming place where we have high quality and readily available services and facilities.

  • Volunteering is active and valued in our community, it encourages friendliness and a sense of place.
  • The needs of all different groups within our community (youth, elderly, those with disabilities, the unemployed and new residents etc) are recognised and met with supports for excellent local housing, education, training, employment opportunities and public transport services.
  • Nenagh takes a holistic approach to wellbeing, providing accessible physical and mental health services, local food and energy production, and recreational facilities and activities.
  • We live in a safe, secure place that fosters an excellent work life balance. There are good connections between generations, and we make wise use of our resources to support our community.

Health (Physical and Mental)

We are a positive and well- integrated community that values our health and wellbeing. We are well-informed and able to actively take care of ourselves and one another and to achieve a good work-life balance. We have a flourishing natural environment and strong community-based supports across all age groups and diverse recreational opportunities. These combine with excellent holistic mental and physical health services, that are accessible and affordable, to enable us to live our best lives.

  • We are an active community supported with excellent diverse recreation opportunities both outdoor and indoors. Recreational organisations and activities are accessible to all groups and those of different abilities within the community.
  • We are well-informed and assisted to live healthy and full lives and can access support and education to cope with health challenges and addiction where these occur.
  • Our community is well planned and accessible for those with different abilities. We have community-based supports for independent living, and we provide services and activities that deliver care and support a high quality of life across all ages and capabilities.
  • We have excellent, comprehensive, and proactive mental and physical health services available as needed. These are provided locally wherever possible. They respect each individual and work to deliver the best possible responses to their individual care needs.
  • The whole community is aware of the importance of local biodiversity and a good quality living environment. We have proactive initiatives to maintain this and we continue to improve the health & well-being of all, including social farms and allotment opportunities.

Participation, Democracy & Good Governance

This community has a robust and clear collaborative relationship with the local authority, as well as with our local elected representatives and we can effectively influence decision-making. Community representation on local structures is strongly supported by all relevant agencies to encourage full participation and create opportunities for valued contribution by the volunteers involved.

  • All members of the community have an opportunity to volunteer and to get involved in activities that enhance our community and we have resources and supports to help us to do this.
  • Accountable and transparent decisions are being made in local government where [people] of all ages are encouraged and enabled to engage, contribute, and be heard.
  • Our locally elected representatives are answerable, within a robustly transparent structure, to us, the community. They are of all ages and politics, serving our community for a limited, agreed time.
  • The Local Authority communicates clearly and carries out all its business with clear process. It engages with local communities to understand their needs and works with them to meet these. The Local Authority uses effective and meaningful consultation.
  • The community works in a collaborative manner with all stakeholders], including engaging with an active and well-resourced PPN, which offers education, information, and a voice for our community groups.
  • All relevant documents are made public and written in plain language, with cultural and environmentally proofing for all policies, plans and decisions that will impact on the community.

Values, Culture and Meaning

Our welcome is genuine. We actively come together across cultures to share and learn about one another’s heritage and customs which enables us to build strong community relationships. We celebrate and support the different cultures within our community, old and new. There is clear mutual respect throughout the community for diversity, for our different histories and identity, and we value and support these.

  • We have inclusive and accessible cultural centres and we foster inter-cultural sharing through activities and education.
  • Social inclusion is encouraged through engagement of all cultures in traditional practices. Across all our cultures, we protect the vulnerable and uphold the law
  • Irish heritage and traditions are thriving, and all age groups come together; sharing and enjoying this culture which ensures that it is sustained.
  • Local history, sport, music, spirituality, and the Irish language are all enthusiastically supported through accessible and affordable events and initiatives.

Work, Economy and Resources

We have a strong culture of enterprise with many community initiatives that cater for locals and visitors alike. We lead the way in planning for and supporting sustainable economic activity.

  • The community is a key part of the long-term planning by the Local Authority that ensures we maintain vibrant town centres.
  • We adopt a circular economy model which enables green energy use, sustainable low carbon transport, and reduced waste production, supported through local “green” procurement policies.
  • We have good infrastructure and effective supports for local small and medium enterprise.
  • There are excellent local services, with local training, education and job opportunities across the community.
  • Recreation opportunities in our natural environment are accessible for the local community and visitors alike.

Environment and Sustainability

We understand that there is only one environment and that our community and its economy must operate in a way that it does not damage the environment that it depends on. Based on this understanding, policy, education, and funding across the community support us to actively protect our environment and to live and work sustainably.

  • We have a sustainable, energy efficient county with community-based energy production and low energy buildings. We are on track for Carbon Zero, well before 2030.
  • We have well-planned and compact communities that are provided with common green areas and walks.
  • We have effective public transport services that reduce the need for private car ownership. Local services are always accessible by walking or cycling.
  • We have good facilities and services that help us to minimise and manage our waste safely.  The Local Authority is [active] effective at controlling illegal dumping and methane produced in old landfill sites is trapped & used for energy generation.
  • We take pride in the history and heritage of this area and provide opportunities to enjoy our beautiful natural environment and heritage sites, with good access to outdoor recreation opportunities.
  • This is a community where our natural heritage and resources are valued and actively protected using appropriate measures to nurture biodiversity and maintain the highest quality environment.
  • Our farmers lead the way in sustainable food production.
  • We have access to funding supports across all areas of sustainable community development and insurance costs are affordable.


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