Overall Carrick Municipal District Vision

Carrick Municipal District is an attractive, inclusive and welcoming place with community-minded people, diverse cultures and a rich heritage. We care for one another, actively volunteer and have a say in what affects us. We live and work sustainably with a mix of different enterprises, employment and education opportunities for all. There are good facilities, services and infrastructure that support us all to live well and lead fulfilled lives.

Values, Culture and Meaning

We are a welcoming, inclusive place where culture is embraced, valued and respected. Our local heritage and history are recorded, shared and passed on to future generations. Tourism and local amenities are sensitively developed for the enjoyment of all.

  • In Carrick Municipal District we have many different cultures that mix well while maintaining their own identity. We all learn to understand one another’s cultures and celebrate them.
  • We collect, record and protect our local heritage, history and heritage buildings. We have excellent skilled craftspeople that enable us to restore and enhance our natural and built heritage.
  • Legal protections for heritage buildings facilitate their timely preservation and there is financial assistance to support this work.
  • We have a thriving arts, crafts and music scene.

Participation, Democracy and Good Governance

Citizens in Carrick Municipal District are actively engaged in local voluntary and community groups. This work is respected and valued. We are well-informed, consulted and can influence local government decisions that affect us.

  • The Local Authority is trained in the realities of volunteering and community organisations. It keeps all citizens well-informed and provides the opportunity for them to influence decisions that affect them through consultation. Our elected representatives engage regularly with communities in public meetings.
  • All our citizens are actively involved in their community at all stages of their lives. This voluntary work is recognised, valued and supported.
  • A balance is struck with a reasonable level of governance (administration) required of voluntary and community groups. Applications for funding are simple and straightforward and a proportion of grants awarded is set aside for administration costs.
  • Community and voluntary groups network and co-operate effectively, championed by the PPN. Financial resources are allocated in line with community wishes to deliver greatest benefit to citizens.
  • All organisations (voluntary, statutory, charitable and commercial) operate in a transparent manner, with reporting in simple language based on clear ground rules. They are fully accountable.
  • There are opportunities for education, training and employment for all in Carrick Municipal District.

Health (Mental and Physical)

In Carrick Municipal District we are happy people who care for ourselves, each other, the environment and our surroundings. We have access to goo local health services, including services for mental health, and support for independent living and carers. There are safe, accessible amenities and infrastructure that meet the needs of all individuals to live actively and well.

  • Effective mental health and counselling services are immediately available as and when required to meet individuals’ needs, with comprehensive follow-up.
  • We have excellent, affordable, local primary care services, minor injuries clinics and supported living services.
  • All our young people have dedicated supports, activities and spaces that enable them to reach their potential and be happy.
  • We have wonderful community-based supports for families, independent living and vulnerable members within our communities.
  • There is a variety of safe, accessible amenities to encourage active participation in sport and recreation.
  • Everyone in Carrick Municipal District has a home in a safe, well-planned and accessible community, well-served with education and employment opportunities.

Work, Economy and Resources

We recognise and fairly value all work (whether paid or unpaid), with infrastructure that supports both enterprises and workers. There are diverse, accessible education and training opportunities available locally for people of all ages and abilities. There is a wider range of local employment and enterprises which includes a diverse mix of small local businesses, social enterprises and large employers Our economy relies on green infrastructure powered by renewable energy.

  • We have good provision of accommodation in accessible communities that are well served by excellent communications, broadband and transport infrastructure with minimum environmental impact.
  • We carefully utilise our local assets both built and natural and provide supports both for those seeking and those providing employment.

Social and Community Development

In Carrick Municipal District everyone is welcome, enjoys a good work-life balance and is able to fulfil their potential. We have pride in our attractive local area, green spaces and amenities, that are enjoyed by residents and visitors. There are great multi-functional spaces that meet the needs of our communities and we recognise and address specific needs within those communities:

  • Childcare, parenting and recreational supports for families;
  • Spaces, activities and services for youth;
  • Social activities and events that bring all generations together;
  • Independent living and care support for the elderly, vulnerable and those living with disabilities;
  • Well-planned and accessible public spaces and amenities for citizens of all abilities, and;
  • Local provision of medical, mental health, care and addiction services as needed.

There is a variety of housing that suits the needs of residents at all different stages in their lives. Our communities are well connected with good communications, broadband and sustainable transport infrastructure. We all volunteer in community groups that work together in a co-ordinated way and we celebrate what we have.

Environment and Sustainability

In Carrick Municipal District we are all educated, well-informed and know the importance of living sustainably. We use renewable energy, generate zero waste and produce our food sustainably. We create green jobs, conserve and protect our natural resources and cultivate biodiversity. Our long-term planning and use of the build environment delivers environmental and social goals.

  • There are different scales and models of sustainable food production that all protect our soils, water and wildlife.
  • Through education, changes in behaviour and use of best practice waste is minimised and all reused without negative impacts on our natural resources.
  • We use renewable energy sources and minimise our energy consumption.
  • Mixed and sustainable transport systems meet industry, work and recreational needs.
  • We use wise long-term planning to achieve environmental goals for our natural resources, sustainable living, biodiversity and amenities.

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