Tipperary PPN Newsletter October 2017

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Tipperary PPN brings you current news on funding, training, events, consultations and how to have your say in the County.


1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events

PPN Tipperary News October 2017

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Dates for your Diary: 

Next Plenary Meeting Saturday 18th November 
Venue is Holycross. Click here to Register for the event 

If you would like to have a stand at the Plenary please contact Avril on 087 4567111
Rep Update:

PPN require a Rep for LCDC (Alternate Rep) for Tipperary  Environmental Pillar.
If you are interested and wish your group to nominate you please fill in the nomination form click here:  If there is more than one person nominated an election process will follow.

TPPN would like to get out and about to meet our members.


We have had a busy month out and about at various events in the County. Here is a snippet of events we attended.

Cabragh Wetlands Trust Open day/Family fun day on Sunday 01st October 2017

PPN stand at Roscrea Age friedly event and launch of the Tipperary Age Friendly Services for Older People Directory 04th October 2017

PPN National Conference Sligo 19th October 2017 

We would love to visit you or attend an event you are running. If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact Avril Wilson to express an interest.

Mobile: 087-4567111
If you wish to advertise in the Newsletter please
send information to the above email.Please inform by email any changes in your organisation or personnel within the organisation to help keep our records up to date. 

Help put “The Patient”at the centre of our Health Service. 

 National Your Voice Matters Survey (Patient Narrative Project). Patient/service user engagement is a key priority for HSE and specifically CHO work streams in 2017.Your Voice Matters – Click here to take part in the HSE survey 


The closing date for receipt of completed application forms and supporting documentation is 12 noon on Thursday 30th November, 2017. Click here for more info

Events / Training


Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

Free Training Workshops for PPN Members in Nenagh MD and Templemore – Thurles – Roscrea MD:

(Training for South Tipperary MD’s to be announced soon)

PPN together with the NTLP (North Tipperary Leader Partnership) will run workshops in November
Book now!! Limited places available.

Good Governance in your organisation.

  • What is Good Governance in the Community, Voluntary and Charity Sector
  • The Governance Code & How we can implement it in your organisation?
  • What Legal Regulations Should I be Aware of?

To book your place Please contact Mike Ryan NTLP on 067 56676
or Avril Wilson PPN on: 087 4567111

Venue: Thurles on 21st November 10.00am – 1.00pm
Order of Malta Centre   Boheravoroon, Thurles Townparks, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, E41 HN28

Venue: Nenagh 22nd November 10.00am – 1.00pm
Nenagh Community Training Centre. 

St. John’s Place, Nenagh (Eircode: E45E24) is located on the small road that connects Silver Street to Andy’s Bar on Sarsfield Street. There is some free parking at the centre and public parking is available opposite the centre in John’s Lane Car Park

LGBTI Awareness Days

You are invited to join LGBTI  HEALTH  AWARENESS
Promoting LGBTI Health Awareness across Tipperary
Carrick on Suir event for the 8th of November the venue has been changed due to numbers they have moved their event to the Nano Nagle Community Resource Centre Carrick on suir.

Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Training

 Tipperary Sports Partnership is facilitating a Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Basic Awareness training. The course is aimed at sports leaders, children’s officers, parents or anyone working with young people in sport. A central goal for all those involved in sport for young people is to provide a safe, positive and nurturing environment where children can develop and enhance their physical and social skills. Promoting a child-centred environment should go hand in hand with identifying and eliminating practices that impact negatively on safe and enjoyable participation in sport for young people. The next series workshops will be delivered by Sport Ireland tutors on:

 Monday 6th November  2017 LIT Clonmel 6pm-9pm                           

Thursday 16th November  2017 Rackethall Hotel Roscrea  6pm-9pm 

Thursday 30th November 2017 LIT Thurles 6pm- 9pm

The training will enable Children’s Officers/Sports Leaders to:

  • Implement best practice in protecting the welfare of participants
  • Create a child-centred environment within the sports club
  • List categories of abuse and some indicators associated with abuse
  • Make an appropriate response to a disclosure
  • Make a report to designated officer or appropriate Statutory Authorities

Prior registration with Tipperary Sports Partnership is necessary, please contact us for a registration form. A nominal fee of €15 is required to secure your place. Please book early as places are limited on the workshop. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded on completion of the course.
For registration or further information on a course near you, please contact TSP Clonmel office (052-6187080) or TSP Nenagh office (067-44888).

2017 Volunteer in Sport Award

Tipperary Sports Partnership in association with the Canon Hayes National Sports Awards is honouring those who volunteer their time and effort to the development of sport in Tipperary.
Nominations are invited from sports clubs and organisations in Tipperary to identify individuals whose exceptional efforts as volunteers have made a difference to sport in their club and community.
To obtain a nomination form simply log on to the Tipperary Sports Partnership website at www.tipperarysports.ie, call the Sports Partnership office on 0761 06 5170 or email info@tipperarysports.ie

Completed application forms should be returned to the Sports Awards Committee, Canon Hayes Recreation Centre, Avondale Crescent, Tipperary Town.
Closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm on Friday 27th October 2017
The successful nominee will be honoured at a Gala Black Tie Banquet in Ballykisteen Hotel and Golf Resort on the 8th  December 2017

Restorative Practice Training:
Restorative Practices help us sustain strong, happy communities by actively developing good relationships, by preventing conflict and by resolving conflict in a healthy manner when it does arise.

This Training is being held in Aras Follain on the 7th and 14th November 2017  from 10am – 2pm.  For more information regarding cost and to book your place please contact Theo on 087 8641780 theo@arasfollain.ie or Annagh  067 41906. Space is Limited to 12 people.

Youth Work Ireland Tipperary together with LIT are delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference

“Games to Inspire in Youth Work and Global Development” 
Venue: Cahir Castle  on  the 23rd and 24th of November 

The conference is part of our exciting 2 year international project funded by ERASMUS on gaming and youth work, and, together with partners from UK and Greece we are hugely excited to host a range of international and Irish speakers to explore the potential of games to  inspire, to motivate and to positively impact on the lives of young people.
DAY 1:  Focusing on Youth Workers, Development Workers, Games Designers Academics and Educators
DAY 2: Focusing on Young people having the opportunity to meet games designers and explore and design games.

You can be an expert or you can be a beginner but you will be prepared to explore the potential of games!
To register go to https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/games-to-inspire-in-global-youth-work-and-development-education-tickets-36513053526
See attached brochure for more detailed information or contact donal.kelly@youthworktipperary.ie

Youth Work and the Integration of young Migrants

October 30th – November 3rd  LIT Thurles
The aim of this project is to initiate collaboration between youth workers and researchers. This collaboration will develop the capacity of local organisations to address the challenges to integration facing young migrants and refugees (aged 14-24). For full details of event please contact
Donal Kelly, Youth Work Ireland Tipperary
Hogan Square, Cashel,Tipperary
e: donal.kelly@youthworktipperary.ie
t:  062 62824
m:086 7744564

Updates from the Arts Office

1. Join artist Harald Turek on Monday, 30th October,  at 6pm for the SWITCH-on-tour of the   8 Video-works.
Every evening until 7th of November from twilight to midnight
Video art films will be played in 8 shop windows in Nenagh town.
All are welcome, please dress for the weather. Meet Outside NENAGH Arts Centre.

2. Spleodar – Halloween Arts Festival Nenagh.

Satuday, 28th to Tuesday, 31st October, 2017
Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

Booking:     Tel-067 34400
Full Programme: http://www.tipperarycoco.ie/arts/spleodar-october-28-31st-october-nenagh-community-arts-festival-2017

3. The Visual Artists Ireland Residency Award is open to all members of Visual Artists Ireland.

The award provides a one week fully paid residency/retreat at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. The residency will be self-catering and will provide accommodation and a studio facility. Further details about the Centre can be found on their websitehttp://www.tyroneguthrie.ie

The award is only available to individual artists. It is not suitable for group applications.

Only online applications will be accepted. The deadline is 5:30pm, Friday 15th December 2017.

4. Fethard Horse Country Experience is thrilled to announce upcomingexclusive exhibition of ‘Sheela na Gig – Venetian Glass Sculptures’ by Carmel Mooney.

The exhibition will be opened by Maureen Beary Ryan, Art Historian, Former Director of the friends of the National Gallery of Ireland at 6:30pm on Thursday November 2nd at FHC Experience, The Tholsel, Main St., Fethard, Co.Tipperary.
The exhibition will continue to Thursday November 23rd, open Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm.

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