Tipperary PPN Newsletter January 2018

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1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events


PPN Tipperary News
January 2018


Tipperary PPN Members Corner

TPPN would like to get out and about to meet our members.

  We have had a busy month out and about at various events in the County. 

We would love to visit you or attend an event you are running. If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact Avril Wilson to express an interest. 
Mobile: 087-4567111
If you wish to advertise in the Newsletter please
send information to the above email. 

Your PPN will host a 

Community Health and Well-being Showcase Event
Wednesday 07th March 2018
                          2.30pm – 8pm
                           Venue: Dome, Semple Stadium, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

This is a major showcase public event to highlight the fantastic work that our members do in promoting physical and/or mental health. This will be a great opportunity for you to share and get new ideas on building a healthy community in Tipperary. The event will include
stands, guest speakers, free health screening,competitions and much more. 
 We invite all our members to get involved. Please get in touch if you would like to have a stand at this event. 

More information to follow in the coming weeks.
Please note: A PPN Plenary meeting will also be held on this date.

 National Inventory of Intangible
Cultural Heritage 
Open Call

The Minister for Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht has announced an open call for submissions to the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ireland.
The  ‘National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage’ to be compiled to safeguard Ireland’s living culture in tandem with UNESCO Convention

Intangible cultural heritage is a living form of heritage that cannot be touched (unlike, for example, our built heritage). 
It includes oral traditions; performing arts; social practices, rituals and events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; and traditional craftsmanship. 
Submissions are being accepted  until 31 January 2018 (to the email address nationalich@chg.gov.ie).  
 Please find attached press release and Expression of Interest form
 Queries can be directed to nationalich@chg.gov.ie 
Private water supplies and Floods in Ireland 

(help with online survey)

Effects of flooding on drinking groundwater quality, and human health in Ireland

Any person living in Ireland that owns a private well or is part of a private Group (ground)Water Scheme, independently of their experience with floods, can participate through this link:  Click here: 
The closing date for receipt of completed applications for the 2018 Scheme is Wednesday 31st January, 2018 at 12 noon. 

The Southern Region’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy  
   Consultation for Southern Region’s Regional Spatial & Ecomomic Strategy. The issue paper frames important questions through which a dialogue can be started for a shared vision for the future for the southern region. 
Issue paper for Tipperary  Click here  

For more information on the Southern Regional Assembly click here 
Written Submissions are invited to be made by 5pm Friday 16th February 2018. 
By Email:   rses@southernassembly.ie 
By Post:  RSES Submissions, Southern Regional Assembly, Assembly House O’Connell Street, Waterford, X91 K256 

New Public Library Strategy 2018-2022 Public Consultation

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Mr. Michael Ring T.D., is seeking submissions in respect of the Government’s new Public Library Strategy 2018-2022.
uploaded all information on the process on Department of Rural and Community Development   
Click here:
Closing Date is February 1st  2018. 

Commission on the Future of Policing: Open evenings and submissions:

The Commission is inviting submissions until the 31 January, and in addition to meeting you at a forthcoming open evening, we would very much welcome submissions from you. 
More information & Submission Click here:

Tipperary County Council Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) & Local Improvement Scheme (LIS)  Non Public Roads. 2018

Applications are invited for the Local Improvement Scheme & Community Involvement Scheme  which applies to non-public accommodation roads.  Projects must benefit two or more parcels of land owned or occupied by different persons or serve the public.  Applications also invited from local residents.

 The scheme will apply to local public roads of the following types – low traffic volume, minor and cul-de-sac, subject to adequate funding being made available. 
Further details and application forms are attached or from the Council’s web-site click here: 
Closing date 31st January, 2018 at 12 noon.

Men’s Sheds and Women’s groups small grant scheme:

 This is a small grant scheme aimed at supporting Men’s Sheds groups and Women’s Group in County Tipperary whether for small equipment purchase or projects.  Grants are available for costs involved with organising activities and running programmes, with a maximum grant envisaged under the Scheme of €500.00
Application forms attached and application deadline COB  Wednesday 31st January. 

The Wheel:

Funding for Irish Charities:
Fundingpoint Newsletter: Click here: 

An Chomhairle Oidhreachta The Heritage Council Community Grant Scheme 2018:
European Year of Cultural Heritage
Making a Connection More info
: Closing date 
Click Here: 
application form: 

Events / Training  


Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:


Free Data Protection Training for PPN Members.


Get Ready for the General Data Protection Regulation

Tipperary PPN are providing workshops for our Members
(Two locations – please choose your preferred location when booking)

Location: South Tipperary G.A.A. Centre, Western Road, Clonmel. 
Date: February 19th 2018

Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm.

Location: Thurles Chamber Enterprise Centre, LIT Campus, Thurles. 
Date: Thursday March 22nd 2018 

Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm 

For key topics covered and booking please click the below links.

 Limited Spaces & Booking essential!
Click here Thurles Venue
Click here Clonmel Venue


 Leadership Programme


Enrollment is now open for The Wheel’s prestigious Level 9 Accredited
Leadership Programme

Learn & Enroll Now

MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management in the Community and Voluntary sector in association with LIT Tipperary.

New programme on offer via our Flexible Learning Department in LIT.
Click here for more info:
Apply Online: 
The Association of Irish Festival & Events (AOIFE)’s

Executive Director and Communications Assistant will be rolling into Tipperary – February 6th and 7th in an effort to meet local member Festival and event organisers. the POP Up Advice Clinics are facilitated locally to allow organisers to meet AOIFE personnel and get a steer on some of their problems.
To register for your 30 minutes Advice Consultation and your 30 minute Social Media Mentoring please contact Membership Officer Celia on 090 964 5831, email info@aoifeonline.com or see www.aoifeonline.com/popupclinic for more information: 

Tipperary – Tuesday, February 6th 2018
Clonmel Park Hotel
4:00pm – 7:30pm 
Tipperary – Wednesday, February 7th 2018
Cahir House Hotel,Cahir 
10:00am – 12:00pm 

Ballykisteen Golf Club, Limerick Junction 
12:45pm – 2:30pm 
Anner Hotel 4 Star, Thurles 
3:30pm – 5:30pm

Some Exciting News

Important news for SMEs 
Consumer Law Ready is a specialist training programme for people in SMEs, like you. It will help you understand and comply with the latest EU Consumer Laws. The training enables you to gain knowledge of the important aspects of Consumer Law, which will help you to improve your customer service and increase consumer trust in your business…Read More:

Introducing An Cosán Virtual Community College

Ground Floor, 4-5 Usher’s Court, Usher’s Quay, Dublin 8
Who benefits? Adult learners who want to return to education, people who struggle with disadvantage, urban and rural isolation, early school leavers, lone parents, long term unemployed, Travellers, Roma and those living in direct provision.  We also offer capacity building training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes for professionals and volunteers who work in community and adult education.  Our programme ‘Introduction to Climate Change’ sparked a lot of interest at the conference, but if any of our programmes (see full programme prospectus attached), suit your requirements we would welcome the opportunity to have a chat with you to discuss your needs. More info:

Lesbian Gay & Bisexual Awareness Training

The LGBTI Steering group in the CHO5 led by HSE’s Social Inclusion Department has developed a Lesbian Gay & Bisexual Awareness Training in partnership with Health Promotion & improvement.
Wednesday 21st February 2018  time 9.30 – 1pm 
            Venue: In Thurles, to be confirmed

LGBTI Heath Awareness event at Fethard community hall  
Tuesday 30th of January at 11am
For more information contact Ruairi O’ Caislain on Tel. (052)6176687 / 087-9953835
E-mail: Ruairi.OCaisleain@tusla.ie

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