Tipperary PPN Newsletter 13 April 2017

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Highlights in this issue:

Active Grants available to members
Upcoming Free Training Programs
Upcoming Local Events

Tipperary PPN brings you current news on funding, training, events, consultations and how to have your say in the County. 

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr.

*If your group has information you’d like to include in the newsletter make sure to send it in at least 2 weeks before the date to ensure it gets included. 

PPN Tipperary News 26 April 2017



  1. Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017
  2. SWARE Project – 3rd and 4th May public consultation


  1. Community Facilities Scheme 2017
  2. HSE National Lottery Grants
  3. Cooperation with Northern Ireland 2017 Scheme
  4. 2017 Arts & Disability Connect Scheme
  5. First Response Support Measure (CLÁR programme)
  6. National Play & Recreation Funding
  7. Bursary for training to become a Motivational Interviewing Trainer

Events / Training

  1. What’s on in Tipp
  2. Volunteer Ireland National Volunteer Management Conference
  3. Events offered by the Tipperary Sports Partnership – Disability Inclusion Training and “Suicide Alertness for Everyone.”
  4. Lough Derg Blueway Capacity Buildiing Workshops
  5. The Alzheimer’s Society Carer Information Evening
  6. WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) operated by Aras Follain
  7. Knockanrawley Resource Centre Race Evening at Clonmel Races
  8. “Making Tipperary a great place for  children and young people to grow up in” Event
  9. Cloughjordan Honours Thomas MacDonagh 2017
  10. Bealtaine Festival Events 2017 & Workshop at Damer House 28th April
  11. “Right to know – Right to Act” an afternoon with MEP Liadh Ni Riada
  12. Rebecca Storm Concert – 30th April
  13. Irish Wheelchair Association (north Tipp) with Clonaslee Wheelchair Basketball Club will host “Annual Music Gig” 28th April

Other News

  1. 8th Annual Street Feast – how to get involved
  2. What’s On Clonmel request for submissions
  3. National Heritage Week 2017 – how to get involved
  4. Consumer Panel for Mental Health Services News & Events
  5. Catchments Newsletter & Information

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Each month, the PPN Tipperary team attend a member event and advertise our visit here. Our space for May is open!

If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact ppntipperary@gmail.com to express an interest.



Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017

The European Commission is currently looking at a possible initiative to protect passengers when using multimodal transport, and is seeking views from the general public on the issue.  I have attached a link to the public consultation below should it be or interest to you or your organisation.  Please note that the consultation period ends on the 25th of May, so all questionnaires should be returned before this date.

Public consultation on a possible initiative at EU level in the field of passengers rights in multimodal transport

SWARE Project – Open Public Consultation – 3rd and 4th May

Tipperary County Council, as a partner in the EU INTERREG Europe part-funded ‘SWARE’ (Sustainable Heritage Management of Waterway Regions) project, is in the process of developing a Green and Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways. The Masterplan Roadmap is a strategic plan focusing on the two primary waterways in County Tipperary – Lough Derg and River Suir. The objective is to develop an integrated plan incorporating for example, biodiversity, heritage, tourism, sport, leisure, water eco-system management, communities and economy to provide a cooperative strategic plan for our county’s waterways.

Two Open Public Consultation Events are being held to allow interested groups, individuals, etc. take part in the discussion on the proposed Masterplan Roadmap.

These are taking place on Wednesday 3rd May in the Concourse of Civic Offices, Nenagh and on Thursday 4th May in the Gallery of the Craft Granary, Church Street, Cahir. Both take place from 6-8pm each evening.

Additional information is attached to this newsletter.



Community Facilities Scheme 2017

Tipperary Local Community Development Committee is seeking applications from community groups for funding under the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government’s Communities Facilities Scheme 2017

On 10th March 2017 the Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, announced a new Capital grants scheme for disadvantaged urban and rural areas. The Scheme will run initially from July 2017-December 2017 and is focused on providing small-scale capital grants to help grass roots community projects get underway or take the next step towards completion.

In County Tipperary the Scheme is being administered, on behalf of the Department, by Tipperary Local Community Development Committee along with the five Municipal Districts of Tipperary County Council.

The aim of the Scheme is to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at a local level by providing access to small-scale capital grants. The Scheme will offer grants up to a maximum of €1,000 per project. The maximum amount of €1,000 is small, acknowledging that there would be other grant schemes for larger works.  This would cover the cost of, for example, office equipment, project resources, research facilities or maintenance of premises, etc. for voluntary groups.

Applications are now being invited for funding under this Scheme.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 30th June 2017 at 5pm. Late applications will NOT be accepted.

It is anticipated that Municipal Districts will make their final decision to approve or deny applications at their meetings during September 2017.

The Application Form and a Scheme Guidelines Document are attached and are available for download here on Tipperary County Council’s website.

For any queries please email: cfs2017@tipperarycoco.ie

HSE National Lottery Funding Grants 

Applications are now being invited by the HSE for National Lottery Funding Grants.

This funding is distributed by the HSE each year to community based groups and voluntary organisations under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme.

Groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services can apply for once off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects.

The HSE is advertising in regional newspapers over the coming weeks for applications, and you may wish to share this notification among your professional or local networks.
All of the information required, including application forms, is now available on www.hse.ie/lotterygrants

Completed Application Forms must be returned to the local Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO).

Closing Date for Applications – 17:00 on Friday 26th May 2017.

Applicants will be advised as to the outcome of their application no later than Thursday 31.08.2017.

For more, please visit www.hse.ie/lotterygrants

Cooperation with Northern Ireland 2017 Scheme

During 2017 the Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs will operate a Scheme of funding support, for Projects which seek to enhance, celebrate or commemorate the artistic, cultural, musical, film or heritage of the Island of Ireland on a North/South basis.

The Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs operate a Scheme of funding support, for Projects which seek to enhance, celebrate or commemorate the artistic, cultural, musical, film or heritage of the Island of Ireland on a North/South basis.

Projects funded under this scheme need to be creative and innovative and examples of projects which could be considered for funding under the scheme include, but are not limited to, projects which:

  • Promote co-operation and joint initiatives between organisations and institutions on a North/South basis;
  • Promote cultural tourism on a North/South basis;
  • Promote the provision of cultural outreach programmes on a North/South basis.

Details of this year’s scheme can be found here. Please use the application form provided here. Closing date for applications is May 19th.

Arts & Disability Ireland and the Arts Council announce details for the 2017 Arts and Disability Connect scheme

This scheme is designed to support artists with disabilities to make new and ambitious work. It offers artists the opportunity to: connect with other practitioners or venues; make a change in their practice; ‘step up’ in terms of scope and scale; reach new audiences and to engage in mentoring and training.

Arts and Disability Connect has three funding strands

  • Arts and Disability Connect New Work  – 2 awards of up to €8,000 each – for more established artists with a strong track record
  • Arts and Disability Connect Mentoring – 5 awards of up to €2,000 each – for artists at all stages of career development including emerging artists
  • Arts and Disability Connect Training – 3 awards of up to €1,000 each – for artists at all stages of career development, including emerging artists

Application process and deadline:
All application forms, guidelines and information documents can be downloaded here: www.adiarts.ie/connect

A completed application form along with all supporting material must be sent to info@adiarts.ie  using WeTransfer by 5pm on 4th May, 2017.

Further information:
Contact Arts & Disability Ireland at 01 850 9002 or email info@adiarts.ie.

First Response Support Measure

There is an allocation of €0.75million under the CLÁR programme for the First Response Support Measure. This measure will be operated directly by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional and Rural Affairs and is open to established organisations/groups that operate entirely on a voluntary basis, and are involved in emergency rescue/first response efforts.

It is important that applicant groups/organisations can demonstrate that they are formally established e.g. registered charity or not for profit etc. and are recognised as an acceptable supplementary support body by public service bodies such as  An Garda Síochána and the HSE in relation to such activities.

Documentation should provide a clear evidence base for the assistance being requested and should be submitted directly to the Department at clar@ahg.gov.ie, by the 5th of May and on the attached application.  Any queries in relation to this scheme should be submitted to the Department via clar@ahg.gov.ie also.

NB All Enquiries directly to the Department in relation to this funding measure. More information is attached to this newsletter.

National Play & Recreation Funding

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs are pleased to announce that funding has been made available this year to support activities for National Recreation Week (beginning 3rd July 2017) and National Play Day (Sunday 2nd July) . The theme is ‘Fun and Active’.

Applications that include elements focusing on Fun and Active Play (e.g. running, climbing, jumping, outdoor games, action songs, skipping etc) are welcome.

A total fund of €2,350.00 , €1,700 in respect of Recreation Week and €650 for National Play Day Events is available for the administration area of  Tipperary County Council.

Ineligible projects:
•         Summer camps
•         Events that charge an entrance fee

Closing date 2pm Thursday 4th May 2017. Please complete the link below in relation to National Play Day and Recreation week: http://www.tipperarycoco.ie/news/national-playday-recreation-week

Evidence of successful applications will be required demonstrating that :

  • the event has taken place for e.g Newspaper clippings, website article
  • Income and expenditure in relation to the event

All applicants will be notified before the end of May following approval by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs whether their application has been successful or not and the amount of grant if any that is awarded.

Bursary for training to become a Motivational Interviewing Trainer

The National Addiction Training Programme (NATP) have a bursary of €5,000 available to support applications from individuals to take part in the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) Training New Trainers (TNT) programme that is taking place in Malahide in October 2017.

The application for the TNT is formidable and closes on May 15th. As the TNT workshop can only offer 120 places and is open to applicants from all across the world, MINT expect the training to be oversubscribed before the closing date. Please encourage all potential applicants to apply as early as possible.  Full details of the application process can be found on…


Individuals who successfully complete the TNT will be eligible to receive financial support from the NATP in return for providing some MI training free of charge in the 12 months following the TNT. The specifics of the training can be agree with the NATP and other relevant parties closer to the time.

All applicants who wish to be considered for financial support must notify the NATP in advance of submitting their TNT application to MINT. This can be done by emailing brendan.murphy@hse.ie and requesting necessary financial support towards;

  • Application costs
  • TNT Workshop Fee
  • Accommodation costs

Events / Training

Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

A Horizon 2020 Workshop

Are you aware of Horizon 2020, the EU’s biggest ever research and innovation programme? Known for its high standards and competitive proposals, this may be an EU funding stream that you are hesitant to engage with…

However, an entry point for your organisation into Horizon 2020 could be the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. This unique programme funds researchers at all stages of their careers.  As an organisation active in research, you could increase capacity and ultimately enhance your programme impact.

To help you learn more, The Wheel and the Irish Universities Association are coming together to host a workshop focusing on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. You’ll not only receive an overview of the programme but also hear from people with previous experience:  past participants, staff from civil society organisations and research officers from Irish third level institutions.

Date:        Wednesday 10 May 2017
Time:       9.30am – 1pm
Venue:     Europe House, Mount Street, Dublin 2.

This event is free but registration is essential.

Book your place here and find out more – we look forward to seeing you there!

National Volunteer Management Conference

To celebrate Sligo’s designation as European Volunteering Capital 2017, we’re taking the National Volunteer Management Conference on tour!  This year’s conference will take place on Tuesday 30th May 2017 in the Aurivo Auditorium in the Sligo Institute of Technology.

The conference provides the opportunity to spend some quality time on personal development, networking with your volunteer management colleagues and peers and participating in a host of motivating masterclasses and discussions focused on volunteer recruitment, retention, training, support and management.

Check out the full programme in the conference brochure.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone working in the field of Volunteer Management
  • Anyone who manages volunteers as part of their role
  • Senior Managers and CEOs of organisations that involve volunteers
  • Anyone with a general interest in volunteer management

What will I get?
Early bird tickets are just €63 and for that you get:

  • A host of great masterclasses to choose from
  • A hot lunch
  • Ample opportunity for networking with plenty of refreshment

Pricing and registration
Tickets can be purchased online. Last year’s conference sold out so we encourage early booking to avoid disappointment. Registration begins at 8.45am.

  • Early Bird € 63
  • Standard Rate € 68

Upcoming events offered by the Tipperary Sports Partnership

Tipperary Sports Partnership are running a Disability Inclusion Training course in association with the CARA Adapted Physical Activity Centre in Thurles Presentation Sports Complex on Saturday 20th May from 10am – 4:00pm.

This course is designed to give coaches, volunteers, development officers etc. ideas and inspiration to adapt their physical activity & sports sessions to include people with disabilities. All bookings are taken online at http://caracentre.ie/disability-inclusion-training-online-booking/  Please use the following code when booking:TIPP2017

The course costs €45. The closing date for booking is Wednesday 17th May @ 5pm.


SafeTALK “Suicide Alertness for Everyone” workshop will take place on Tuesday 9th May 2017 in the Clonmel Park Hotel,  from 9.30am –1.30pm.

At this workshop, learn how to provide basic and practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide. It prepares you to be a suicide alert helper and provides you with the awareness that opportunities to help someone at risk are often missed, dismissed and avoided. It also teaches you the awareness of TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep-safe) and the ability to activate a suicide alert.

This training will be of interest to the entire sporting and physical activity community (Sports clubs, coaches, volunteers, leisure centre staff, fitness class instructors and tutors, teachers & parents).

Please note;

It is important for you/nominee to have read the course details that are attached to this email

It is not recommended to attend this course if you/nominee have been bereaved by suicide in the last year

Participants need to be aged 18 years and over to attend

Places are limited. To book a place or for further information, contact Elaine Cullinan or Sharon McLoughney  on 067-44888 or e-mail smcloughney@tipperarysports.ie  before Wednesday 4th May 2017.

Lough Derg Blueway Capacity Building Workshops

‘The Lough Derg Blueway is a multi-activity recreational trail offering a range of activities, both on and alongside the water with cycling and walking complementing the paddling trails. They offer experiences that are safe and accessible linking people with the water and with providers who offer outdoor recreation, dining, accommodation, cultural and craft experiences so that visitors are encouraged to ‘eat, play and stay’.  Blueways have been developed on a number of inland and coastal waterways in Ireland and they encourage and make it possible for local people or visitors with little or no experience to take part in water-sports.

The Lough Derg Blueway will benefit the local economies in lakeside towns and villages and enhance local tourism employment/entrepreneurship.  A series of capacity building workshops to promote awareness and support the existing and potential Blueway related business, will be provided as part of the first stage in the REDZ funded Lough Derg Blueway development.

These workshops are an opportunity for the community, tourism and activity service providers in the area to identify the potential of the Blueway for their businesses and communities and also an opportunity for them to shape its future direction and promotion.

The capacity building workshops will take place on:

  • Monday 24th April 7:00 pm, Killaloe Hotel, Kincora Harbour,  Killaloe/Ballina.
  • Tuesday 25th April 7:00 pm, Nenagh Arts Centre, Town Hall, Banba Square Nenagh.
  • Thursday 27th April 7:30 pm, Irish Workhouse Centre, St Bridget’s road, Portumna.
  • Tuesday 2nd May 7:00 pm, Mountshannon Hotel, Main St, Glin, Mountshannon.

These workshops will be followed by marketing development activities which promote the Lough Derg experience and destination, including a series of themed activity, food, craft, culture and heritage trail maps and activity, dining and accommodation bundles.

The Lough Derg Blueway provides an opportunity to showcase the Lough Derg area, increase the recreational use of the lake by residents and visitors, generate additional tourism into the area and add value to the existing tourism services in the area.

Managed by a Steering Committee comprising the Lough Derg Marketing Group, Clare County Council, Galway County Council, Tipperary County Council and Waterways Ireland, the project aims to build on the existing tourism and recreational infrastructure as well as improve economic activity surrounding the Blueway on Lough Derg by working with communities in the towns and villages in its hinterland.

The Lough Derg Blueway communities and service provider locations include, but are not limited to: Ballina, Castlelough, Coolbawn, Dromineer, Garrykennedy, Kilbarron, Kilgarvan, Killaloe, Mountshannon, Nenagh, OGonnolloe, Portumna, Rossmore, Scarriff, Terryglass, Two Mile Gate, Whitegate.

The workshops are free however intending participants should advise the organisers as to which venue they are attending as spaces are limited.  Contact should be by email to humphrey@ilc.ie or phone/sms to 086 2659276.  Visit the News & Events section of www.bluewaysireland.org. for additional information.

The Department Of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs via the Rural Economic Development Zones (REDZ) initiative has provided resources for the marketing, development and promotion of The Lough Derg Blueway.

Alzheimer’s Society Carer Information Evening

Do you know some one with Dementia/Alzheimers?

Wednesday 3rd May,2017 – Clonmel Park Hotel at 7.30pm – Free Admission – All welcome


  • Claire McCarthy – Solicitor with Binchy Solicitors, Clonmel – Advice on  Enduring Power of Attorney &  other legal affairs
  • Thomas O’Callaghan from  Driving Mobility Consultants – to talk about Driving & Dementia
  • Emma O’Brien  – Occupational Therapist – Advice on ‘Assistive Technology and how it can support people with Dementia’

Lots of stands and other information available on the night : Garda Siochana, Family Carers Ireland, Memory Technology Library, Alzheimer Society of Ireland & Living Well with Dementia South Tipperary Service 

Light refreshments provided

“WRAP” Events Offered by Aras Follain

Starting Saturday 6th May WRAP Seminar 1, 11am – 3.30pm. Continuing on the 13th, 20th and 27th. WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a tool to help us to achieve and maintain wellness and gain more control over our lives and the way we feel. It is designed to help us identify what works and what doesn’t work and how we can get better at staying well. WRAP is for everybody! It is developed by you for you. Hope, Personal Responsibility, Education, Self Advocacy and Support.

Knockanrawley Resource Centre Race Evening @ Clonmel Races

Fundraising event for Knockanrawley Resource Centre taking place at Clonmel Races on the 4th of May. More information regarding event admission and prizes are attached to this newsletter.

Cloughjordan Honours Thomas MacDonagh 2017

 “The story of the men who loved Ireland has often been told, and I, with other Irish women rejoice to do them honour, but I am a little jealous that of Irish women the hero tale has not been told, for they too love their country and work for it.”                     Susan Mitchell 1919
Friday 28th April
7.30 pm Official opening of ‘Cloughjordan Honours Thomas MacDonagh’
The Land Where Nothing Is – by artist Suzanne Walsh
Suzanne is a cross-disciplinary artist working mainly with text, performance and audio. This installation is made from sources which include poetry of MacDonagh and Ledwidge together with comments from Facebook groups, on housing and environmental concerns.

Saturday 29th April
Thomas MacDonagh Summer School
Registration 10 – 10.30 am (booking is essential 087 3946862)
Fee €15. (Heritage Group members and volunteers at the MacDonagh Museum €10)

Chairperson – Anne-Marie Kelly
10.30 am         Beyond 1916 – Cumann na mBan and Revolutionary Propaganda
Speaker – Mary McAuliffe
Through her research Mary became interested in the contributions of women to Irish history, from the medieval to the modern and has gone on to publish several books.

11.30 am         The family of Fredrick and Isabella Gifford
Speaker – Lucille Redmond
Lucille Redmond, great-grand-daughter of Frederick and Isabella, shares her family history with us. She is a regular and welcome contributor to the Summer School.

12.30 pm         77 Women Quilt – Remembering the Women in Richmond Barracks
Speaker – Máirín Johnston
Mairín was one of a group invited to creatively respond to the stories of the seventy seven women imprisoned in Richmond Barracks after the Rising. This project reflected the diversity of women’s experience in contemporary Ireland.
2 pm                       Rathurles through the Ages
Caimin O’Brien will share his expertise in a talk on the ring fort and site of the Aonach or ancient gathering at Rathurles.  Following his talk he will lead a guided tour of the site, with the kind permission of the Brereton family.

Guided Bus Tour
The tour will include: the historic site at Rathurles, the Devaney Memorial in Kilruane and Grawn Church

8 pm      Bawney and Friends – Music, song, poetry, story and surprises.
Join with Bawney Hayes in the company of his talented guests and stay for the ‘cupán tae’.

Sun 30th April .
Chairperson – Peadar Kirby
3 pm    Creative Rebellion: Artistic Consciousness at the time of MacDonagh
Dr. Caoilfhionn Ní Bheacháin and Dr. Angus Mitchell, University of Limerick, will reflect on the role of the artist before and after the Rising of 1916. This event will explore the power of the arts and creativity to transform society. This will be followed by a tour through the Ecovillage to the new Community Amphitheatre, a multi-purpose performance space.

8 pm    Hanna and Francis Sheehy Skeffington 
            Speaker – Michelene Sheehy Skeffington
Micheline will present an illustrated talk on the involvement of her grandparents in the feminist, nationalist and peace movements of the early twentieth century and their association with Thomas and Muriel MacDonagh.

Monday 1st May
2 pm    Ceiliúra Bealtaine  in Knocknacree Wood
Join with Mary Meighan in Knocknacree Wood and be part of a celebration of Bealtaine – our Celtic Festival honouring the arrival of summer.

4 pm    The Cloughjordan Ukelele Band in the Middle Country Cafe
The Ukelele Band aim to entertain their audience with a selection of songs and tunes ranging from country classics to punk rock. Come along and enjoy – Free admission.

9 pm     Oíche Ghaelach – Ceol agus craic in Grace’s pub
Beidh fáilte roimh chách, go mór mhór roimh cheoltoirí agus iadsan ar mhaith leo bheith páirteach sa seisiún.

Bealtaine Festival Events 2017 & Workshop at Damer House 28th April

A busy month of performances, film screenings, community projects and Commissions throughout the county.

Festival Launch with special event at Clonmel Library on 27th April at 1pm

Follow the link below for full programme of events together with details of Launch.

Reminder – another workshop @ Damer House – coming your way Friday 28 April. To book places follow the registration link below.

Working with Digital Images with Tim Durham – Roscrea
Visual Artists Ireland in partnership with Tipperary County Council and hosted by Damer House Gallery

Fri 28 April (10.00 –17.00)
@ Damer House Gallery, Roscrea
10 – 12
Cost: €40.00 / 20.00  – Tipperary Artists & VAI Members

To book a place see: http://visualartists.ie/events/working-with-digital-images-with-tim-durham-roscrea17/

“Right to Know – Right to Act” an afternoon with MEP Liadh Ni Riada

As part of the Communicating Europe Initiative, the Environmental Pillar is holding an interactive seminar in Cork with Liadh Ni Riada MEP. The seminar will cover a number of different topics around your rights as an EU citizen.

Seminar Details:
·        Tea, coffee and sandwiches on arrival
·        An introduction to the Environmental Pillar
·        EU directives: A short overview
·        AIE: What it is, how to use it
·        The Circular Economy: EU working to make the world a more sustainable place
·        An interactive talk with Liadh Ni Riada MEP

The seminar will be held on the 28th April in the Imperial Hotel. Entrance to the event is free and open to the public.
Register Here

Sponsored by:

Rebecca Storm Concert – 30th April



‘Annual Music Gig’

            On    Friday 28th of April AT@ 9pm

            In    Racket Hall Country House Hoel, Roscrea

We are delighted to have a great guest line-up of local talent who will be appearing on stage alongside host band ‘Outa Diesel’ with a star appearance by the ‘Nenagh Brass Band’ which will bring a new genre to this year’s gig.

Local artists include: Seanie Gleeson,Michael Hayesand Shane Doughan, Anthony Bourke, Bill Smith and Dinnie Quirke, Bobby Fahy and Billy Costello and  Michael Creaghto name a few. 

Door Prize, Spot Prizes, and lots of fun on the night.

All welcome!

Tickets only €10 available from IWA, Abbey St,

Jimmy Quinlan 087 – 7957978,

Denise Oregan087 – 6364648

Edel Carey – 0505 23229 / 087 6921422

Other News

8th Annual Street Feast


Street Feast 2016

Join us for Street Feast!

Feast with your neighbours on Sunday 11th June

We’re inviting you to take part in and spread the word about this year’s Street Feast, the national day of street parties and community celebrations. It’s being hosted by neighbours and community groups all over Ireland this 11th June. It’s a perfect excuse to share good food, meet your neighbours and have a bit of craic.

We’re inviting you to encourage your members to get involved.

Free Packs

Once again we’re posting out free party packs to Street Feast hosts. Each helpful pack contains a handy guide to help make your feast a success, as well as posters, invitations, balloons and bunting to get the party started! To get your pack you need to register your feast on our website and make sure to request a pack when registering.

It’s easy!

It’s a simple idea. Street Feasts can be held anywhere; on the pavement, in a laneway or a local park. They can be any size, from 10 to 100 people. Everyone is invited to bring something to contribute, be it a tasty dish, some chairs or a musical instrument.

Check out what happened last year when 120,000 neighbours took part!

Finally, please spread the word

This is a people-powered initiative – we need your help to spread the word about Street Feast. Please forward this email to your friends, neighbours and network and inspire them to take part.

To get more inspiration, information, or to join the party, check out www.streetfeast.ie

Street Feast 2017

What’s On Clonmel – Open for Submissions

As a marketing initiative for Clonmel town,  the voluntary Clonmel Town Marketing team are creating a free ” Whats On Clonmel ” event guide for the June to October period.This is to follow the Christmas 2016 guide of which 10,000 were distributed to homes and businesses in The Clonmel and South Tipperary areas.

This is an initiative between local traders, the county council and the Chamber. We are looking for any events your members may be running through out the summer period from the 1st of June to the 31st of October 2017.

Details of these events need to be one line, stating the event, name, date and location Final date for inclusion is April 31st. Please email us here at whatsonclonmel@gmail.com for inclusion. This guide is focusing solely on Clonmel town.

National Heritage Week 

We’re preparing for National Heritage Week 2017 which will take place from 19-27 August and we’re making this the year we help more people learn about and enjoy Ireland’s nature.

We are encouraging environmental, social inclusion and voluntary groups across Ireland to take part as event organisers and participants.  Heritage Week is the largest cultural event in Ireland with almost 1,000 organisations and individuals involved in hosting over 1,800 unique events in 2016.  The week attracts an annual audience of approximately 430,000 people.

Please find here our 100 Event Ideas Booklet (also available as Gaeilge).

“Making Tipperary a great place for children and young people to grow up in”

Consumer Panel for Mental Health Services News & Events

Catchments Newsletter

The Spring Catchments Newsletter is now out, you can download it on www.catchments.ie

This issue focuses on the Waters and Communities office, and also has stories from Ireland, Italy and Australia about Integrated Catchment Management.

The Waters and Communities office have dozens of meetings planned all around the country over the next few months so that local communities can let them know what their local water bodies mean to them, and to allow them to have their say on the draft River Basin Management Plan. This public consultation runs until August 31st.

You can see the details, including a map and calendar of all the scheduled public consultation meetings, and details on how to make a formal submission, here: https://www.catchments.ie/consultations-surveys/

We’d also like you take a look at the recent Eco Eye episode on ‘Community Water’ which is now available on YouTube – see below for the link.

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