
Tipperary PPN Newsletter March 2019- 2nd edition



1. Funding/ Grant Opportunities

2. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events

Funding/ Grant Opportunities


Expression of interest in CLÁR projects 

Tipperary County Council is seeking expressions of interest in respect of community/school play area projects under the terms of the CLÁR Scheme. 

CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas with the aim of attracting people to live and work there.

Please refer to the 2019 Scheme Outline for more detailed information. The Scheme Outline and full details and the Expression of Interest template are available on

Measure 2: enhancement of existing and/or the development of new school/community play areas (including MUGAs).


Any application must adhere to the following requirements that:

  • The project must be located in a designated CLÁR area to be able to be considered. Maps and lists of the CLÁR areas in County Tipperary are available on
  • Any play project proposed must adhere to the provisions of the County Tipperary Playground Policy 2017. In particular, no new play area below the level of Service Centre in the Settlement Hierarchy as set out in the Council’s County Development Plans will be supported with public funds.

The Playground Strategy can be viewed at community-and-economic- development/tipperary- playground-policy-2017

A play area to be located on school grounds must be open and available for use by the general public after school hours.

Measure 3c: Community Wellbeing Support specialist sensory gardens and play equipment

Any application must adhere to the following requirements that:

  • The project must be located in a designated CLÁR area to be able to be considered. Maps and lists of the CLÁR areas in County Tipperary are available on
  • If the proposed sensory garden is co-located with a play project, it must adhere to the provisions of the County Tipperary Playground Policy 2017. In particular, no new play area below the level of Service Centre in the Settlement Hierarchy as set out in the Council’s County Development Plans will be supported with public funds.

The Playground Strategy can be viewed at community-and-economic- development/tipperary- playground-policy-2017


Any sensory garden and play equipment must be open and available for use by the general public.


Please submit your proposal by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 27th March 2019

Clearly marked CLÁR Scheme Measure 2 2019 or CLÁR Scheme Measure 3c 2019 


by post  

Community & Economic Development Section, Tipperary County Council, Ballingarrane House, Cahir Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91 E183

or e-mail 


Subsidised district heating feasibility study

Tipperary Energy Agency are now offering communities in Tipperary the chance to get a district heating feasibility study with €4,900 carried out on their community for only €490. The feasibility study will determine the possibility of installing a district heating system in the community building. Once the feasibility study is complete you may then be eligible for up to 75% grant funding to carry out the recommended energy efficient upgrades in the community.

If you are interested in applying please call us on 052 744 3090 or email 

There is only 5 of these subsidised feasibility studies available so don’t delay in case you miss out. Terms and conditions apply.




LEADER Programme Funding Available

Funding is available for community groups under the LEADER programme under a wide range of headings such as

  • Rural Tourism including Festivals
  • Enterprise Development including Social Enterprise
  • Town and Village Enhancements
  • Basic Services for Hard to Reach Communities
  • Services for young people (15-35)
  • Biodiversity
  • Water Awareness and conservation
  • Renewable Energy

Approval of these projects is  subject to budget availability and eligibility with the programme.


The LEADER programme is implemented by the North and South Tipperary Development companies on behalf of the Local Community Development Committee. 


For further information contact:

North Tipperary Development company | 067 56676 | email:

South Tipperary Development company | 052 7442652 | email:


EPA Local Authority Prevention Network (LAPN) Funding

The programme supports local waste prevention initiatives around the country and has been in operation in its current form since 2009. The EPA provides grant-aid and provides technical support and networking opportunities for the local prevention initiatives.

There are currently three active Working Groups on Greener Business Communities, Greening Festivals and Drinking Water and the Community (supporting the provision of public drinking water to reduce the generation of single use plastic bottles). Please note however that the grant aid is available for any prevention activity – see the Guide for Applicants for more detail.

Details of funding available are as follows:

  • €5,000 to €20,000 per local authority
  • Collaborative projects between local authorities are encouraged. Total project costs can be combined – for example a project involving three LAs could have a budget up to €60,000.
  • In the event of an exceptional project idea, applications above the stated maximum of €20,000 may be considered. 


Collaborative projects, i.e. between local authorities; between sections within a local authority or with community groups are particularly welcomed, and this is reflected in the scoring scheme

Applications are invited that address waste prevention and resource efficiency activities in any area, be it waste prevention including reuse of products/materials, preparation for reuse, water or energy resource efficiency. Projects working with communities, schools, local businesses, in-house activities, festivals etc. are supported.


All applications will be evaluated by an evaluation team (which may comprise of staff from EPA, Clean Technology Centre, Regional Waste Management Office and DCCAE). All proposals will be subject to scoring according to specific criteria


Completed applications should be submitted by email to Helen Bruen at

Closing date for applications 22nd March, 2019.

Applicants may appeal the evaluation team’s decisions in relation to applications. Such appeals will be dealt with in the first instance by the EPA Programme Manager responsible for the National Waste Prevention Programme.



Tipperary LCDC funding  for community event

Local communities are asked to come up with ideas for events in their areas. Events could be centred round food, sport, the environment or health and culture.

The event is a celebration of the great spirit of community that exists across the country and an effort to help people who share communities to come together, get to know each other and deepen the sense of community in their area.

Events will take place over the May Bank Holiday weekend (4th -6th May) 2019. The days will be getting longer and the summer will be just upon us.
The success of this initiative lies in having local communities coming together to plan events that will work best for their area. This celebrations belongs to everyone. We don’t want to tell communities what they should do, events will be very much driven by communities. These could include themes around sport, history, baking, anything that will help neighbours to come together. It could be as simple as neighbours coming together for a cup of tea and a chat.

The event is a chance for people to foster a sense of helping each other by coming together, not just on that day, but all year round. It’s the chance for everyone to get know all members of their community, to reconnect with neighbours and have a celebration together that is open, inclusive and local.

The National Community Event, to be held for the first time over the May Bank Holiday weekend, 2019.

Application forms and guidelines are available below.


Completed applications forms to be returned to before 4pm on 21st March 2019.

Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events


Community smoke alarm scheme

Calling all community groups throughout Co. Tipperary. Tipperary Fire & Rescue are aiming to increase the number of Smoke Alarms in homes across County Tipperary to a minimum of 2 Working Smoke Alarms in every home. We hope to do this by a combination of actions including Publicity Campaigns using Social Media, School Education Visits, School Visits to Fire Stations, Advertising in Local Media. In addition we would like to specifically target the Vulnerable and Highest Risk Groups in our Community by providing and installing alarms to these Groups.

• Elderly/Vulnerable
• Those Living Alone
• Those living in Isolated Rural Areas.

If your community group is interested please download form on Tipperary county council website or email

Please return forms by email to or by post or hand to 
SMOKE ALARMS, Fire Service HQ, Tipperary County Council, Nenagh Fire Station, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

Upon receipt of these forms we will pass on these forms to the relevant local Fire Station and then local Firefighters will contact Community Group Liaison Person and then householder directly to arrange a suitable time for Home Fire Safety Visit.

This visit will involve 2 Firefighters in Uniform and travelling in a Fire Service Vehicle going to house and conducting a Fire Safety Check of House and will generally involve the Installation of 2 no. 10-year smoke alarms in the home and checking any existing alarms in house.

We have already installed hundreds of Alarms in homes throughout County Tipperary and with your help we hope to continue these installations and try and get Smoke Alarms in as many homes as possible in County Tipperary.




Living well with anxiety free workshops

Living well with anxiety free workshops Mid-West advancing recovery in Ireland education service


Work shop themes 


21st March     What Is Anxiety?

                       This workshop examines your understanding of anxiety, the                             different types of anxiety and what causes it. 

28th March     Responses to Anxiety

                       This workshop looks at our responses to anxiety and how it                             affects people in different ways. It also includes a personal                               account of recovery.

4th April          Anxiety -What to Do?

                       In this workshop we will discuss and discover different                                     supports and treatments for anxiety. We will explore examples                         of self-care and identify ways of supporting someone with                               anxiety.

11th April        Tips & Tools for Managing Anxiety

                       This workshop provides a space for learners to develop                                    individual tips and tools for managing anxiety and to consider                          a plan for maintaining well-being.

For anyone aged 18+ with an interest in mental health & recovery Mid-West Aries (Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service)


For more information contact Mike O’Neill on 085- 8768517 or at


Tar Isteach, Premier Hall, Thurles, Co.Tipperary (near The Confraternity Hall) 11am -2pm



Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Training

Tipperary Sports Partnership is facilitating a Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Basic Awareness training. The course is aimed at sports leaders, children’s officers, parents or anyone working with young people in sport. A central goal for all those involved in sport for young people is to provide a safe, positive and nurturing environment where children can develop and enhance their physical and social skills. Promoting a child-centred environment should go hand in hand with identifying and eliminating practices that impact negatively on safe and enjoyable participation in sport for young people.


The next series workshops will be delivered by Sport Ireland tutors on:


  • 1st April  2019 in LIT (Clonmel Campus), Cashel 6pm- 9pm
  • 8th April  2019 Rackethall Hotel, Roscrea 6pm- 9pm


The training will enable Children’s Officers/Sports Leaders to:

  • Implement best practice in protecting the welfare of participants
  • Create a child-centred environment within the sports club
  • List categories of abuse and some indicators associated with abuse
  • Make an appropriate response to a disclosure
  • Make a report to designated officer or appropriate Statutory Authorities

To book your place visit  Cost is €15 plus booking fee.


Please book early as places are limited on the workshop. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded on completion of the course.


For further information  please contact TSP Clonmel office 0761 06 6201 or TSP Nenagh office 0761 06 6888



Environmental and biodiversity workshops

Spring is in the air and Tipperary is alive to the sounds of Tidy towns groups. Starting in the month of March, the environment Section of Tipperary County Council are supporting the fabulous work of the volunteers of Tipperary, by holding wildlife and environmental workshops.


These are deigned to give people, the knowledge and skills to address environmental and biodiversity issues within their communities. The workshops are facilitated by Albert Nolan who has over 20 years’ experience of engaging with communities and schools. He also writes a wildlife column for the Nenagh Guardian and South Tipp Today.    

To book a place please contact or           




Farming for nature Newsletter 

This bimonthly publication contains useful information on upcoming news and events, offers helpful nature-friendly tips for your farm, and highlights some really good resources, including some words of wisdom from our farmers!

The Farming for Nature initiative was established to acknowledge and support those farmers who farm, or wish to farm, in a way that will improve the natural health of our countryside.

There are ways in which we can all get involved, so read on and see what you can do.

Farming for nature newsletter March/April

If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to 

*If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email


(Please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/ Information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*

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