Tipperary PPN Newsletter May 2018

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1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events

PPN News:

If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee upto date information please email details to Avril Wilson ppntipperary@gmail.com
          *If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email request to Avril Wilson ppntipperary@gmail.com  (please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*

Tipperary PPN in collaboration with, Tipperary County Council and HSE Disability Services wish to invite PPN members to a Disability Workshop. 
Establishment of an all County Disability Group 
Date: Tuesday 12th June June 10 am – 1.30pm
Venue: Order of Malta Centre, Thurles, Boheravoroon, Thurles Townparks, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, E41 HN28 
10.00 am Registration – Refreshments/Welcome
10.15 am Welcome & Introduction
10.30 am PPN and County Council presentation
10.45 am Facilitated workshop
11.30 am Tea Break
11.45 pm Facilitated workshop – disability action plan
12.45 pm Outcomes presented
1.15 pm Next steps, evaluation Q & A
1.30 pm CloseWe encourage all PPN members to come together to commence the process of developing an all County disability action plan which is the responsibility of the County Council but in partnership with key stakeholders.

Government launches National Action Plan for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Last month, the Government launched its National Implementation Plan for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). This plan sets out how it intends Ireland to deliver on the goals by 2030.
Role of local government, LCDCs, SPCs and PPNs in raising awareness of and achieving the goals at local level Click here
Useful document: ‘The Sustainable Development Goals: What Local Governments Need to Know’

Click here:

Tipperary PPN is seeking Reps for the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). 

Seat and 1 alternate for an Environmental Rep click here for the nomination form.
1 Seat and 1 alternate Social Inclusion Rep click here for the nomination form.
2 Seats and 1 alternate for Community & Voluntary Rep’s click here for the nomination form. 
The deadline for nomination is 6pm Tuesday 5th June 2018.
For further information contact: PPN Coordinator

Submissions to the Loneliness Taskforce
Loneliness Taskforce in collaboration with Seán Moynihan of ALONE to coordinate an All-Ireland response to the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation in Ireland. As part of the Loneliness Taskforce we have been working with a range of groups to help increase awareness about the issue and to produce a set of recommendations for Government, state agencies and all policy members.
It is known that loneliness and social isolation are some of the greatest public health risks of today. Loneliness is now as prevalent in the young as it is in the elderly, it just manifests itself differently.
Some things to consider about loneliness and social isolation: 
1 in 3 older people live alone and research shows that loneliness can decrease life expectancy by up to 10 years.
Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health and are worse for us than well- known risk factors such as obesity and physical inactivity
In the UK, research in 2014 showed that 40% of all older people say the television is their main company
Loneliness never discriminates between young and old, rich and poor or urban and rural and that is why more needs to be done to tackle the scourge of loneliness and social isolation.
Through the Loneliness Taskforce we will produce a report on what is needed to tackle the epidemic of loneliness across the island of Ireland. The Taskforce includes a range of people from the community and voluntary sectors, nursing, sport, business, medicine, youth work, psychiatry and NGO’s.

I understand the Public Participation Networks give citizens a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. I believe this to be very important work, it is democracy at its best. 
The Loneliness Taskforce would like to formally request your input into the report we are compiling. We would like to hear your suggestions or proposals, to incorporate them into the report that will be published in the coming months. We would be most grateful if you would consider making a submission, but also if you would bring this to the attention of your members who may also be interested in making submissions. 
We are asking for suggestions to be broken down into three categories: 
(a) Short term proposals (that can be introduced immediately)
(b) Medium term proposals (that may require a longer lead in period)
(c) Long term proposals (that may require long term planning or significant changes) 
Detailed submissions or suggestions: Click here:


A Review of Response to Storm Emma

The Department of Rural and Community Development, together with the Office of Emergency Planning, is assisting Dublin City University with research on the experiences of citizens in the light Storm Emma with a view to assisting Government bodies plan for future weather events of this nature. Click here
for link/questionnaire. Thanks for your cooperation.

Launch Of New Community Water Development

                             Click here to read full story on Fund 2018 

    2018 Amenity Grants Scheme

Applications for grant aid will be considered from residents associations within the Borough District of Clonmel for amenity type improvements. The types of activities which may qualify will include:
·         Landscaping and development of open spaces
·         Provision or improvement of litter bins and street furniture
·         Purchase of grass – cutting equipment
Application Forms and Guidelines are available at Clonmel Borough District office, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmet Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary or Click here

The latest date for receipt of completed applications, together with supporting documentation, to be submitted to the Clonmel Borough District office no later than 31st May, 2018 at 4.30 p.m

                    LEADER Targeted Call 2018
LEADER Funding Opportunity: Basic Services for Hard to Reach Communities

Tipperary LCDC, South Tipperary Development Company and North Tipperary Leader Partnership have  called for  expressions of interest for projects which can improve access to services and inclusiveness, and develop infrastructure for hard to reach communities.   The Expression of Interest (EoI) is a short form which outlines the promoters details, description of the project and approximate costings.  The closing date for receipt of EoIs is Monday 18th June at 5pm.
Following assessment of the EoIs, eligible promoters will be invited to make a full application for funding.  There is a limited budget available of €740,000 and so full applications will be assessed on a competitive basis.

To support groups who may wish to apply, there will be two information meetings held:
Wed 30 May at 7-30pm in Inch Community Centre, the Ragg, Thurles
Thu 31 May  at 7-30pm in Clonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel

For further information contact the rural development teams in North Tipperary Leader Partnership on 067 56676 www.ntlp.ie or South Tipperary Development Company on 052 7442652 www.stdc.ie
Any group considering submitting an EOI should either attend an information meeting or make contact with one of the companies above to discuss their proposal.

Events / Training  

Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

BA(Hons) in Business, Social Enterprise, Leadership & Management accredited by AIT commencing in September 2018 in Cork, Kilkenny and Tipperary. One year 2 workshops per month, with a blended learning approach. Visit www.equalireland.ie for more information and get in touch if interested

Design Thinking:Think Like A Designer; Solve Real World Problems 

Dates: June 9th and 10th
Time: 9:30-5pm
Cost: €40

The fee in a nominal fee as the programme is subsidised by Irish Aid. The nominal fee is considered a deposit and is non-refundable case of cancellation.
Location: CIT Crawford College of Art and Design Grand Parade Campus
Trainer: Eimear McNally
For more information or to register follow this link: Click here:

Party with your neighbour’s for Street Feast 2018!

Registrations to host your feast & to receive your free pack open Monday 12th March 2018 at Streetfeast
Click here: 

North Tipperary Jobsclub Roscrea/Thurles 

Roscrea Job Club is a free and confidential service provided by North Tipperary Leader Partnership and funded by the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection. Established in 1999 and located in NTLP, Newline Roscrea with outreach in NTLP Offices Kickham St, Thurles Across from Palatine College Entrance, Thurles. Providing advice, support and assistance on employment and training. The aim of the Job Club is to enable clients to plan, actively seek and achieve employment and training opportunities.
Improve your chances of securing your next job with our tailored courses Mon – Fri 10am – 12.30pm :
Courses Dates:
28th May – 8th June 2018  Roscrea
Contact Suzanne or Linda on 0505 23379 to Book your place now.

50 additional Tús Placements immediately
available in the Tipperary area 
South Tipperary Development Company has an opportunity under the Tús Programme  to offer an additional 50 community based work placements to Community Groups in Tipperary Town and the surrounding areas including Bansha, Galbally, Emly, Oola.
The skills set of the available participants include Artists, Graphic Designers, Computer Animation, IT, Outdoor Maintenance, Gardeners, Painters, Welder, Drivers, Administration etc.,
Any group interested in more information regarding the Tús Programme and these specific opportunities please contact any of the following as soon as possible.  These placements will be filling over the next couple of weeks.
Tús Operations Coordinator :
Mark Rylands at markrylands@stdc.ie or 052-7442652 or 086-8396267
Tús Team Leader: Eddie Tuohy at eddietuohy@stdc.ie or 0860276218
Tús Team Leader: Patrick Quinn at patrickquinn@stdc.ie or  0860276217
Tús Team Leader: Richard Wood at richardwood@stdc.ie or 0860276214
Visit STDC’s website on:  Click here:
National Heritage Week
Event registration is now open for National Heritage Week 2018 which is happening from 18 to 26 August 2018.
More Information: See Attachment to email.
Convergence Sustainable Living Festival
Full Programme 

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