
Tipperary PPN Newsletter March 2019



1. PPN News

2. Active Public Consultations/ Notices

3. Funding/ Grant Opportunities

4. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events

PPN News 

Please ensure your group has re-registered with Tipperary PPN.

Re-registration emails have been sent to all groups. Closing date for

re-registration is 14th March 2019.

Active Public Consultations/ Notices


Have your Say on the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020 – Mid-Term Review

Indecon International Research Economists have been appointed to complete a mid-term review of the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. This review is important – it will help inform any adjustments to the current programme and contribute to the design of the next EPA Research Programme.

It is very important to obtain the views and inputs of individual researchers who:

The deadline for completion of surveys is 12th March 2019. 

Each response will be treated in strict confidence in accordance with the EPA Privacy Policy and Indecon’s obligations under Data Protection Law. 

Individual responses will be aggregated with other responses received and will only be used for the purposes of this review.  Each individual response will not be available to the EPA or to any other third-party agency or organisation outside of Indecon.


If anyone has any queries or wishes to discuss any of these issues, please contact Hugh Hennessy at Indecon


Thank you for your co-operation and assistance with this review, which will play an important part in the successful future of the EPA Research Programme. 


Community Meeting: What’s happening in the
Dead & Cauteen River Catchments?

The Dead & Cauteen River Catchments are part of 190 areas nationally which have been prioritised for action to protect and restore water quality.

You are invited to a public meeting about these two water bodies and what it means to be part of an area for action.


Ballykisteen Hotel, Ballykisteen, Tipperary (E34 VK12)

Wednesday 6th March 2019 @ 7:30pm

This is a new way of working to protect and improve water quality and everyone can play their part! The meeting will include an overview of why the area was selected and will include staff from the Local Authority Waters Programme.

This meeting is open to all and will include a Questions & Answers session and an opportunity for informal discussion during tea and coffee after the

For more information contact:

Ruairí Ó Conchúir 085 808 3715 /

Ruth Hennessy 085 803 6235 /

Funding/ Grant Opportunities


Tipperary County Council Arts Office Newsletter

Tipperary Arts Office – Grant and Bursary Schemes 2019

The following schemes are now open for applications

  • Tipperary Artists Award Scheme 2019
  • Tipperary Arts Act Grant scheme 2019
  • Blas International Summer School Bursary 2019
  • Local Drama Scheme 2019
  • Tyrone Guthrie Centre Bursary scheme 2019
  • Young Music Bursary 2019

Please visit the Grants and Schemes page at for application forms and terms and conditions.

Closing date is 4pm on Thursday 14th March, 2019.

For lots more upcoming events in Tipperary visit


Subsidised district heating feasibility study

Tipperary Energy Agency are now offering communities in Tipperary the chance to get a district heating feasibility study with €4,900 carried out on their community for only €490. The feasibility study will determine the possibility of installing a district heating system in the community building. Once the feasibility study is complete you may then be eligible for up to 75% grant funding to carry out the recommended energy efficient upgrades in the community.

If you are interested in applying please call us on 052 744 3090 or email 

There is only 5 of these subsidised feasibility studies available so don’t delay in case you miss out. Terms and conditions apply.




Tipperary LCDC funding  for community event

Local communities are asked to come up with ideas for events in their areas. Events could be centred round food, sport, the environment or health and culture.

The event is a celebration of the great spirit of community that exists across the country and an effort to help people who share communities to come together, get to know each other and deepen the sense of community in their area.

Events will take place over the May Bank Holiday weekend (4th -6th May) 2019. The days will be getting longer and the summer will be just upon us.
The success of this initiative lies in having local communities coming together to plan events that will work best for their area. This celebrations belongs to everyone. We don’t want to tell communities what they should do, events will be very much driven by communities. These could include themes around sport, history, baking, anything that will help neighbours to come together. It could be as simple as neighbours coming together for a cup of tea and a chat.

The event is a chance for people to foster a sense of helping each other by coming together, not just on that day, but all year round. It’s the chance for everyone to get know all members of their community, to reconnect with neighbours and have a celebration together that is open, inclusive and local.

The National Community Event, to be held for the first time over the May Bank Holiday weekend, 2019.

Application forms and guidelines are available below.


Completed applications forms to be returned to before 4pm on 21st March 2019.

 Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events


Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Training

Tipperary Sports Partnership is facilitating a Child Welfare & Protection in Sport Basic Awareness training. The course is aimed at sports leaders, children’s officers, parents or anyone working with young people in sport. A central goal for all those involved in sport for young people is to provide a safe, positive and nurturing environment where children can develop and enhance their physical and social skills. Promoting a child-centred environment should go hand in hand with identifying and eliminating practices that impact negatively on safe and enjoyable participation in sport for young people.


The next series workshops will be delivered by Sport Ireland tutors on:


  • 4th March 2019 Spafield Family Resource Centre, Cashel 6pm- 9pm
  • 11th March 2019 in LIT (Nenagh Pastoral Centre) 6pm-9pm  
  • 1st April  2019 in LIT (Clonmel Campus), Cashel 6pm- 9pm
  • 8th April  2019 Rackethall Hotel, Roscrea 6pm- 9pm


The training will enable Children’s Officers/Sports Leaders to:

  • Implement best practice in protecting the welfare of participants
  • Create a child-centred environment within the sports club
  • List categories of abuse and some indicators associated with abuse
  • Make an appropriate response to a disclosure
  • Make a report to designated officer or appropriate Statutory Authorities

To book your place visit  Cost is €15 plus booking fee.


Please book early as places are limited on the workshop. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded on completion of the course.


For further information  please contact TSP Clonmel office 0761 06 6201 or TSP Nenagh office 0761 06 6888



Digital Trends for Nonprofits

Following on from the success of Future Waves in October 2018, this event is returning, this time to Limerick. Future Waves is focused on highlighting how Irish nonprofits are harnessing digital tools to grow their impact and support, and illuminating the emerging trends and technologies that have allowed them to do so. With engaging panel discussions, case-studies and a thought-provoking keynote address, this is one event not to me missed!

Future Wave II – Digital Trends for Nonprofits

The Strand Hotel, Limerick, 14th Mar 2019 – 9:00am to 4:00pm

Member €99.00/ Non-Member €150.00

For more information


Environmental and biodiversity workshops

Spring is in the air and Tipperary is alive to the sounds of Tidy towns groups. Starting in the month of March, the environment Section of Tipperary County Council are supporting the fabulous work of the volunteers of Tipperary, by holding wildlife and environmental workshops.


These are deigned to give people, the knowledge and skills to address environmental and biodiversity issues within their communities. The workshops are facilitated by Albert Nolan who has over 20 years’ experience of engaging with communities and schools. He also writes a wildlife column for the Nenagh Guardian and South Tipp Today.    

To book a place please contact or           




Free workshop: “What is the role of the EU in supporting a more equal society?”

EU Commission in Ireland invite you to attend a free Citizen’s Dialogue workshop, entitled “What is the role of the EU in supporting a more equal society” in Cork (March 19th), Galway (March 26th ), and Dublin (March 28th). 

Further details can be found here

Please feel free to share details of the workshops with anyone you think may be interested in attending, all are welcome


The Main Events

We invite you to a free one to one speed mentoring boot camp covering various business topics; HR, Social Media, Website Health Check, Marketing and Sales, Financial Management and more. There will also be an opportunity to attend an information seminar on logistics, customs, and excise. This seminar takes place at 10am and again at 12pm. This event takes place in two locations, Clonmel Park Hotel – Monday 4th of March and in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh on Wednesday 6th of March.

The Events are free to attend but booking essential

Friday March 8th – New Markets, New Opportunities – The Anner Hotel, Thurles – Breakfast Event

Come listen to local business people who are now selling into new markets and constantly innovating and looking for new opportunities. Are you export ready? Patrick Bamming from the German-Irish chamber of industry and Commerce – AHK Ireland will provide guidance on helping Irish Companies successfully enter the German Market.

Guest speakers on the day: Ryan Cleaning, Green Horizon Tours, Agritech, German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Irish Exporters Association, Lean Consultant – VAE Consultancy.



safeTALK training, 6th March, Tipperary

The Regional Suicide Resource Office is providing a safeTALK training programme with the following details:


Wednesday 6th March 2019

10.00 AM – 1.30 PM

Clonmel CRC, Kickham Lodge, Kickham Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary  E91 E2N5


If you have previously attended the ASIST workshop, you do not need to attend safeTALK.


safeTALK is a challenging programme that prepares people to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources.  The alertness skills learned in the training are practiced during the training. For your information, there is a document attached giving you a brief description of the training.


We would like to offer you or a member of your staff a place on this course. Please note that this email does not secure a place for you on the training – places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.  Please ensure that you / nominee are free for the full duration of the training as certification only comes with completion of the course.


Please note:

  • It is important for you/nominee to have read the course details that are attached to this email
  • It is not recommended to attend this course if you/nominee have been bereaved by suicide in the last year
  • It is essential that you/nominee are personally ready to participate in this course. Should this change, you/nominee need to contact this office as soon as possible.
  • Participants need to be aged 18 years and over to attend


For any queries about the above, please contact Lisa Wallis on 051 874013.



Festival and Events Pop Up Advice Clinics for Tipperary

This month sees the return of the annual AOIFE (Association of Festival and Events) Pop Up Advice Clinics to engage with the 30 plus Festivals and event organisers in the County.

AOIFE’s Executive Director and Multi-Media Assistant will be traversing the Country again this spring season in an effort to meet local member festival and event organisers. Modelled on other Network offerings – the POP Up Advice Clinics are facilitated locally to allow organisers to meet AOIFE personnel and get a steer on some of their problems.

Founded in 1993- the Association of Irish Festivals and Events Association is the fourth largest in Europe (with over 200 members) and through training networking and advocating best practice helps “not for profit festivals” reach and expand their local and international goals.

The Clinics will deal with:

  • Funding and Grant Applications
  • Setting up a new Festival / Event
  • Revenue and Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Cluster support & Collaboration
  • Risk/ Health and Safety and Insurance issues
  • Social Media Mentoring
  • Programming Ideas for different Audiences
  • European Networking Opportunities
  • Press and Marketing

Participants MUST register with the AOIFE Secretariat in advance to book a 30 minute consultation during the time the team are there. The Advice Clinic Service is Free to AOIFE members and non-members must pay a small fee of €50 which can go towards purchasing a full AOIFE membership.

Priority will be given to member Festivals of AOIFE but it’s hoped the programme will give a chance for newer Festivals and Event organisers in the non–profit sector (sporting, charitable cause organisations) to meet first hand with much sought-after consultants to the sector.

Over 40 locations in 20 counties will be completed before Easter. Remaining counties will be visited by mid June – affording all festival and event organisers an ideal opportunity to meet and discuss face-to-face issues confronting their festival and event.

To register for your 30 minutes Advice Consultation and your 30 minute Social Media Mentoring

please contact Membership Officer Hilary on (090) 964 5831, email or 

The Advice Clinics will be held in Tipperary as follows:


Monday, 11th March 

The Carrig Hotel, Carrick-on-Suir from 7:30pm – 9:00pm.


Tuesday, 12th March

The Clonmel Park Hotel from 9:45am – 11:45am.

Cahir House Hotel from 12:30pm – 2:30pm.

O’Neill’s Pub, Tipperary Town from 3:30pm – 5:30pm.
Bailey’s Hotel, Cashel from 6:15pm to 8:00pm.


Wednesday, 13th March

Anner Hotel, Thurles from 9:15am to 11:15am.

Racket Hall Hotel, Roscrea from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.

Abbeycourt Hotel, Nenagh from 2:45pm to 4:45pm 



Plastic reduction initiative 

A new EPA funded initiative to reduce plastic use in homes and schools across Ireland is being launched by VOICE, an environmental charity that aims to empower individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources. We are currently looking for individuals, households and schools to examine their plastic use, take part in a plastic use audit to monitor the plastic in their lives and make small changes to reduce their plastic footprint!

The initiative uses citizen science to tackle plastic consumption in homes and schools. Citizen science involves research projects in which the public are directly engaged, gathering data and collaborating with scientists to a common end goal. The end goal is reduce our plastic consumption! It is a topic we feel strongly about here in Voice, and there is a growing discontent with plastic to be heard across the country.

The next step is to move from discontent with the status quo to action! The citizen science project will enable people to take this step to change their plastic consumption. Through the initiative households and schools will be guided through using a plastic use audit to monitor the plastic in their lives.

They can then sign up to plastic pledges each month to reduce their plastic consumption step by step, to make manageable and sustainable changes within their own lives. Does this interest you? If so give us a shout, we are looking for people to join us!

To get involved in the project as an individual, household or school please email or see

If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to 

*If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email


(Please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/ Information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*

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