Tipperary PPN Newsletter March 2018

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1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events

Wishing all our members a very happy and peaceful Easter

Recent Health and Well-being Event
Community Wellbeing was to the fore, when over 50 exhibitors filled the Dome in Thurles for the Healthy Tipperary Showcase organised by Tipperary Public Participation Network.  The event was launched by Sr Patricia Wall, the Flying Nun from Ballingarry, whose volunteering activity earned her the title Volunteer of the Year 2017.  Celebrating her 80th birthday this week, Sr Patricia explained how being involved and active in the community kept her young at heart and with strong social connections.  The exhibition highlighted the incredible work of community and voluntary organisations right across the county in supporting and promoting mental and physical health and wellbeing for everyone from babies to our oldest citizens.   Thanks to Tipperary County Council and the Healthy Ireland fund for their support of this very successful day, which we hope to make an annual event.

Sr. Patricia Wall with Sinead Carr, Director of Services, Tipperary County Council 

PPN Secretariat members, PPN Coordinator and County Council Staff .
Submissions to the Loneliness Taskforce
 Loneliness Taskforce in collaboration with Seán Moynihan of ALONE to coordinate an All-Ireland response to the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation in Ireland. As part of the Loneliness Taskforce we have been working with a range of groups to help increase awareness about the issue and to produce a set of recommendations for Government, state agencies and all policy members.
It is known that loneliness and social isolation are some of the greatest public health risks of today. Loneliness is now as prevalent in the young as it is in the elderly, it just manifests itself differently.
Some things to consider about loneliness and social isolation: 
1 in 3 older people live alone and research shows that loneliness can decrease life expectancy by up to 10 years.
Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health and are worse for us than well- known risk factors such as obesity and physical inactivity
In the UK, research in 2014 showed that 40% of all older people say the television is their main company
Loneliness never discriminates between young and old, rich and poor or urban and rural and that is why more needs to be done to tackle the scourge of loneliness and social isolation.
Through the Loneliness Taskforce we will produce a report on what is needed to tackle the epidemic of loneliness across the island of Ireland. The Taskforce includes a range of people from the community and voluntary sectors, nursing, sport, business, medicine, youth work, psychiatry and NGO’s.

I understand the Public Participation Networks give citizens a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. I believe this to be very important work, it is democracy at its best. 
The Loneliness Taskforce would like to formally request your input into the report we are compiling. We would like to hear your suggestions or proposals, to incorporate them into the report that will be published in the coming months. We would be most grateful if you would consider making a submission, but also if you would bring this to the attention of your members who may also be interested in making submissions. 
We are asking for suggestions to be broken down into three categories: 
(a) Short term proposals (that can be introduced immediately)
(b) Medium term proposals (that may require a longer lead in period)
(c) Long term proposals (that may require long term planning or significant changes) 
Detailed submissions or suggestions: Click here:
The Wheel:

Funding for Irish Charities:
Fundingpoint Newsletter: Click here:

Communities integration fund

The Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration at the Department of Justice and Equality, Mr. David Stanton T.D.,  launched the Communities Integration Fund 2018.
€500,000 is available from the Office for Promotion of Migrant Integration in 2018 to support community organisations to promote migrant integration, raise intercultural awareness and combat racism in their local communities.
Click here: for more information
Size of Grant Available Grants/funding may be provided from a minimum of €500 up to a maximum of €5,000 depending on the size and nature of the project.
Themes for 2018 Based on an assessment of project activities in 2017 the following themes are being given special priority in this year’s round of funding:
Activities aimed at challenging racism and discrimination in our communities
Activities aimed at Migrant women
Activities aimed at supporting LGBT migrants
Activities aimed at addressing barriers to migrant participation in sports clubs
Activities that support elderly migrants

As well as these specific targeted themes, the Fund will also continue to support activities under general themes established in the 2017 round of funding including:
Sport & Community Games- Projects that seek to facilitate local migrant integration and improve the mental and physical well-being of migrants by encouraging them to get involved in sport
Closing date 1st May 2018
any questions please Catriona McCormack 
Sports Partnerships AdministratorParticipation and Ethics Unit
Sport Ireland | Top Floor Block A | West End Office Park | Dublin D15KPW7
(T) +353-1-8608840 | (E) cmccormack@sportireland.ie

Events / Training  


Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

Introducing An Cosán Virtual Community College

Ground Floor, 4-5 Usher’s Court, Usher’s Quay, Dublin 8
Who benefits? Adult learners who want to return to education, people who struggle with disadvantage, urban and rural isolation, early school leavers, lone parents, long term unemployed, Travellers, Roma and those living in direct provision.  We also offer capacity building training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes for professionals and volunteers who work in community and adult education.  Our programme ‘Introduction to Climate Change’ sparked a lot of interest at the conference, but if any of our programmes (see full programme prospectus attached), suit your requirements we would welcome the opportunity to have a chat with you to discuss your needs. Click here for 
More info:

Easter Fencing Camp in Nenagh
More Infomation: Click here:

 Clonmel Repair cafe

Restorative Practice Upskilling Training

Restorative Circles for building good relationships in groups and for undertaking creative problem-solving;
Restorative Meetings for transforming and resolving group conflicts; and
Restorative Conferences for addressing wrongdoing and supporting those impacted by wrongdoing to overcome the harm done to them.

Dates: 25th, 26th & 27th April 2018
Time: 9:30am – 5pm 

Location: Áras Folláin
Cost: €200 

Party with your neighbours for Street Feast 2018!

Registrations to host your feast & to receive your free pack open Monday 12th March 2018 at Streetfeast
Click here:

North Tipperary Jobsclub Roscrea/Thurles 

Roscrea Job Club is a free and confidential service provided by North Tipperary Leader Partnership and funded by the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection. Established in 1999 and located in NTLP, Newline Roscrea with outreach in NTLP Offices Kickham St, Thurles Across from Palatine College Entrance, Thurles. Providing advice, support and assistance on employment and training. The aim of the Job Club is to enable clients to plan, actively seek and achieve employment and training opportunities.
Improve your chances of securing your next job with our tailored courses Mon – Fri 10am – 12.30pm :
Courses Dates:
9th Apr – 20th Apr 2018      Thurles
23rd Apr – 4th May 2018    Roscrea
14th May – 25th May 2018 Littleton
28th May – 8th June 2018  Roscrea
Contact Suzanne or Linda on 0505 23379 to Book your place now.

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