
Tipperary PPN Newsletter February 2019



1. PPN News & Members Corner

2. Active Public Consultations/ Notices

3. Funding/ Grant Opportunities

4. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events

PPN News 

Part funded BA in Business, Enterprise and Community Development find out more at our information evening on Thursday 7th of February @Horse and Jockey Hotel from 7 to 9 pm

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Information on BA in Business Enterprise and Community Development

Active Public Consultations/ Notices


Public consultation on the civic memorial policy for Tipperary county council 


Tipperary County Council recognises that public commemoration plaques, memorials and monuments offer opportunities to honour, celebrate, or  remember a person, group of persons or events of significance. The Civic Memorial Policy sets out the process by which Tipperary County Council will consider the commemoration of events or individuals who have shaped the County, either by the naming of infrastructure or by the installation of monuments, memorials and plaques in the public domain.

It is important for Tipperary County Council to establish a policy on this matter due to:

  • The need to have clarity regarding the policy and procedures for the consideration of proposals from individuals and interest groups
  • The increased level of demand for the naming of infrastructure and the erection of plaques, memorials and monuments
  • The emotive nature of requests where people are deceased
  • The need to ensure that a proliferation of memorials and plaques do not detract from the wider amenity and enjoyment of public spaces

Civic memorials represent a significant civic acknowledgement of a subject. It is, therefore, necessary that clear criteria are used to evaluate any proposal. A monument is a lasting tribute to a person, group or event. Therefore Tipperary County Council needs to be confident that the subject of such
a memorial is of sufficient importance that the decision to approve a monument will stand the test of time.

We would like to invite members of the public and interested groups to give their views on the Civic Memorial Policy for Tipperary County Council. The policy can be accessed at Copies are available at all Tipperary County Council offices and public libraries.

Submissions should be marked ‘Civic Memorial Policy’ and should be sent by Email to or post to Tipperary County Council Library Service, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. on Friday 22nd February


Draft Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region – Public Consultation Days

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES)/ Dréacht Straitéis Réigiúnach Spásuil agaus Eaconamaíoch (SRSE) will provide a long-term regional level strategic planning and economic

Framework, in support of the implementation of the National Planning Framework, for the future physical, economic and social developments for the Southern Region. The Southern Regional Assembly has prepared a draft Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region covering the period 2019-2031 and is seeking submissions.

 The Southern Regional Assembly will consider all submissions made in writing before 5.00pm Friday 8th March 2019 before adopting the RSES. For more on the draft RSES consultation process see the Southern Regional Assembly website.

The Assembly will hold a series of public consultation days on the draft RSES during February where the team will be available to discuss the document:

Cork: Millennium Hall, Cork City Hall, 2.30-6pm, 11th February 2019
Limerick: Strand Hotel, Limerick 2.30-6pm, 13th February 2019
Waterford: Tower Hotel, Waterford 2.30-6pm, 15th February 2019

These will be open ‘drop in’ events and no registration is required.
Submissions or observations can be made via: | | RSES Submissions, Southern Regional Assembly, Assembly House, O’Connell Street, Waterford X91F8PC

Please note that submissions may be published on our website and subject to Freedom of Information. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged however it will not be possible to issue individual responses.

Funding/ Grant Opportunities


Conservation Grant Schemes Now Open For Applicants

Tipperary County Council now invites Applications for the following Conservation Grant Schemes in 2019.


Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2019


The scheme seek to encourage the leveraging of private capital to invest in small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve structures protected under the Planning and Development Act (2000) as amended and in certain cases, for the conservation of structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professional, craft works and tradespeople.


Historic Structures Fund 2019


The Structures at Risk Fund has been re-launched for 2019 as the Historic Structures Fund. The primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund is on caring for and restoring historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public and seeks to enable larger-scale conservation works which are deemed to be significant and in need of urgent support.


Application forms and particulars are available on our website or by e-mail

Only one application will be considered per historic structure.


Multiple applications for the same structure under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund will not be considered for 2019

Burial Ground Maintenance Grant 2019

Burial Ground Committees in Tipperary are invited to apply for Maintenance Grants under the 2019 Scheme. The purpose of the Grant Scheme is to provide funding to Burial Ground Committees who carry out burial ground maintenance works. The Local Authority would like to acknowledge the excellent work undertaken by these voluntary committees.


Each Burial Ground Committee will be awarded a grant on the basis of the number of applications received and the funding available.


Grant Qualifying Criteria:

  • Registered with the Tipperary Public Participation Network (PPN Registration No.).
  • Copy of current Bank Statement

All applications will be assessed during the Summer of 2019.


Closing date for completed applications is Wednesday, 13th March, 2019.

Please return to the relevant Municipal District highlighted on your application form.


All works in burial grounds carried out under the scheme must comply with Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht – Historic Monument Service requirements. These are detailed in a booklet called “The Care and Conservation of Graveyards” available on the Tipperary County Council website


Forms for new applicants only are available from:

Aine Brett, Environment Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Clonmel, County Tipperary. 

0761 06 5000 | 

All last years applicants will receive a pre-printed application form by post.

Tidy Towns Grant Scheme 2019

Applications are invited from Tidy Towns/Community Groups, under the above Scheme for projects/work carried out in 2019, which will enhance the appearance of the local area/ village/town.



  • Applicants must be a recognised Community/Tidy Towns Group involved in activities to enhance and improve the appearance of the local area/village/town.
  • All applicants must submit a one page Action Plan for their area.
  • Grants will be awarded on the basis of the number of applications received and the funding available.


Grant Qualifying Criteria:

  • Registered with the Tipperary Public Participation Network (PPN Registration No.)
  • Copy of current Bank Statement
  • Copy of Insurance Cover Certificate


Closing date for completed applications is Wednesday, 13th March, 2019.

Please return to the relevant Municipal District highlighted on your application form.


Forms for new applicants only are available from:

Aine Brett, Environment Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Clonmel, County Tipperary.

0761 06 5000 | |

All last years applicants will receive a pre-printed application form by post.

Environment section update: Application for Wildflower boxes and trees for Community Groups/Tidy Towns/Schools in Tipperary is now closed

All the trees and boxes of wildflower seeds are gone. Applications are unable to be accepted at this time.


Support for Community Energy Audits and Community Facility Management Plans

South Tipperary development CLG is seeking expressions of interest from volunteer led groups managing community facilities (eg resource centres, community halls, sports, arts, culture facilities etc), for the following supports:

Development of management plans for community facilities 

Which will address current and potential

  1. Usage and activities with a view to maximising the use of the facility by the whole community
  2. Financial and environmental sustainability

Energy audits for community facilities or groups of facilities

Which will address current and potential

  1. Energy costs and ways of saving energy
  2. Use / production of renewable energy

The programmes will involve expert consultants visiting each facility and working with the management group.


Groups in the Municipal Districts of Cashel /Tipperary, Carrick on Suir and the Borough District of Clonmel are invited to apply. 

These projects are supported by the LEADER Programme 2014-2020.


Further information and application forms are available by contacting | 052 7442652 |


Closing Date: 14th February 2019 


Make Ireland Sustainable For All

‘Make Ireland Sustainable For All’ is pleased to announce its 2019 Call for Proposals for small grants to support local projects & initiatives addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ireland.

Grants are available up to a maximum of €2000 for:

  • Local grass-root organizations/entities
  • Local members of national CSOs operating at the local level
  • Local citizens groups, including student groups, clubs, civic initiative groups.
  • The objective of this call is to raise awareness of the SDGs at local level and to engage local groups to mobilise actors and authorities in commitments and practical actions for the implementation of the SDGs.

In addition, applicants are encouraged to address one or more of the following themes in their proposal. These themes are:

  • fighting inequalities, 
  • sustainable food production 
  • sustainable production and consumption.

Projects which also address the cross-cutting themes of gender, migration and climate change are welcomed.

The deadline for submission of applications is the 15th of February 2019.  Please note, the implementation period for activities runs until the 31st March 2020.

For more information and to apply please see: Make Ireland sustainable for all new call for proposals 2019

Do you campaign on the Sustainable Development Goals? Want to break out of your specific focus and work alongside others working on different SDG-related topics? You might be eligible for a grant of up to €7500!


As part of the project Make Europe Sustainable for All, financial support is available to local groups, grass-root organisations and other civil society actors working at local level in order to strengthen capacity, knowledge sharing and information exchange on the implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to raise awareness of the transformative role the SDGs can have for every EU citizen and their role in promoting Agenda 2030.


We welcome applications for local project proposals before the closing date of 15th February 2019.


Further information available here:


The Community Water Development Fund 2019 is now open


The Community Water Development Fund aims to support communities in progressing water related projects and initiatives, delivering benefits locally whilst also helping to meet the objectives of the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland and the wider EU Water Framework Directive.

This fund is open to all community and voluntary groups to assist in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment. 

This can include the development of a catchment partnership or River/Lake Trust, and delivery of local projects to protect and improve water quality in a local waterbody. This fund will enable communities to get more involved in the management of their local water environment, delivering multiple benefits for present and future generations. The fund is administered by the Local Authority Waters Programme on behalf of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.

Types of projects considered will include:

  • Capital projects such as restoration/habitat conservation/natural flood mitigation measures.
  • Projects that promote public awareness/education and events such as biodiversity days, surveys, training workshops, surveys and plans, etc.
  • General amenity such as beach clean, improving amenity areas, bird watching facilities, etc.

Closing date for receipt of applications is Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 7.00pm.

For more information visit  0761 06 5260 or

Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events



One Billion Rising March


This year Ascend Domestic Abuse Service, North Tipperary will participate in the One Billion Rising Campaign.

This is the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The campaign, launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. Every February hundreds of countries across the world march to show our local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face. 


On Thursday, 14th of February, 2019 we will be gathering at Nenagh Court House at 10am and will walk to the Nenagh Civic Office to arrive at 11 am.

Please confirm your participation in this event by emailing




What’s On In Tipperary?

The Source Arts Centre

9th Feb          Bat The Father, Rabbit The Son 
18th Feb        Alice’s Adventures in the New World (Thurles Drama Group)

27th Feb        Film : Leave no trace 

1st March      You Can Come In, But Don’t Start Anything 
6th March      Film: 1945  


Nenagh Arts Centre

8th Feb         BEFORE | A New Play with Music by Pat Kinevane  

16th Feb       Brendan Grace – ‘Funnyman’ 

22nd Feb      What Happened To Bridgie Cleary

24th Feb       Goldilocks & The Three Bears

Old St.Mary’s Church Clonmel, Tipperary

8th March     Beyond Time: The Music of Alexina Louie 
9th March     Clara Schumann Day – Mary Hegarty (Soprano) 
9th March     Clara Schumann Day – Fidelio Trio 

Main Guard, Clonmel Clonmel, Tipperary

8th March     Irish Baroque Orchestra play Barbara Strozzi 

10th March   Quiet Music Ensemble

For a list a full list upcoming events visit



Plastic reduction initiative

A new EPA funded initiative to reduce plastic use in homes and schools across Ireland is being launched by VOICE, an environmental charity that aims to empower individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources. We are currently looking for individuals, households and schools to examine their plastic use, take part in a plastic use audit to monitor the plastic in their lives and make small changes to reduce their plastic footprint!

The initiative uses citizen science to tackle plastic consumption in homes and schools. Citizen science involves research projects in which the public are directly engaged, gathering data and collaborating with scientists to a common end goal. The end goal is reduce our plastic consumption! It is a topic we feel strongly about here in Voice, and there is a growing discontent with plastic to be heard across the country.

The next step is to move from discontent with the status quo to action! The citizen science project will enable people to take this step to change their plastic consumption. Through the initiative households and schools will be guided through using a plastic use audit to monitor the plastic in their lives.

They can then sign up to plastic pledges each month to reduce their plastic consumption step by step, to make manageable and sustainable changes within their own lives. Does this interest you? If so give us a shout, we are looking for people to join us!

To get involved in the project as an individual, household or school please email or see



Tipperary County Council Arts Office Newsletter

Tipperary Arts Office – Grant and Bursary Schemes 2019

The following schemes are now open for applications

  • Tipperary Artists Award Scheme 2019
  • Tipperary Arts Act Grant scheme 2019
  • Blas International Summer School Bursary 2019
  • Local Drama Scheme 2019
  • Tyrone Guthrie Centre Bursary scheme 2019
  • Young Music Bursary 2019

Please visit the Grants and Schemes page at for application forms and terms and conditions.

Closing date is 4pm on Thursday 14th March, 2019.

Tipperary Artist in Primary School Scheme 2019 – now open for submissions/applications.


The aim of this scheme is to give pupils in schools all over the county the opportunity to work with a professional artist on a once-off unique project to be originated and planned between the artist and the school.  The scheme is open to artists in schools from any artistic discipline including visual arts, music, dance, drama, literature, film, architecture, photography and new media. 


For further information please find a link to the website below where you can access the application form and guidelines for the scheme.


Closing date for submission of proposals is 4pm on Thursday 14th February, 2019.

For lots more upcoming events in Tipperary visit

If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to Avril Wilson 

*If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email Avril Wilson


(Please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/ Information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*

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