Tipperary PPN June 2022 Newsletter 


1. PPN News

2. Active Public Consultations/Notices

3.Funding/Grant Opportunities

4. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events

PPN News

Following on from our successful (and fun!) Plenary meeting last month , we are now looking for nominations to fill some of the vacant PPN seats that we have on different county & regional boards. This is where our voice can be heard from the communities we represent.

Our reps can be requested to sit on a board as an All-County rep, North or South County rep, Municipal District (MD) rep or from one of our three colleges (sections) – Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental

Community, Culture and Library SPC (Strategic Policy Committee)

 Environment & Climate Action SPC (Strategic Policy Committee)

Housing SPC (Strategic Policy Committee) 

Infrastructure (to include Roads, Transportation & Water Services) SPC (Strategic Policy Committee) 

Joint Policing Committee (JPC) 

Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)

If you are a member of a group that is a PPN member & you want to know more, please contact Ruth on 087 4567111 or coordinator@ppntipperary.ie

Active Public Consultations/ Notices

Public Libraries Strategy Consultation

Have your say about our public library service

Thank you for taking the time to complete the public consultation on a new strategy for our public libraries. The new strategy will be published in 2023 and will help to shape our public library service for the next five years.

To share your views, please click on the link below and complete the online questionnaire.


Tipperary County Council Logo

Transport survey

Tipperary County Council are carrying out a study to consider improvements to transport in Nenagh, Clonmel and Thurles!
Please help us to understand your travel habits and how you think transport could be improvedin your area, by completing the short survey linked below by 24th June 2022

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
• Clonmel: https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/consultations/clonmel-local-transport-plan
• Nenagh: https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/consultations/nenagh-local-transport-plan
• Thurles: https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/consultations/thurles-local-transport-plan
Closing date for each of the surveys is 24th June 2022

Tipperary museum of hidden history logo

Tipperary Museum of Hidden History survey

Tipperary Museum of Hidden History is developing a new 5yr strategy & inviting you to share your views on your experience of the museum & how they should prioritise their work over the next 5 yrs.

Please take this short survey to help Tipperary Museum of Hidden History https://t.co/yPqZJWzim4

Funding / Grant Opportunities

Create National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts

Create, Galway Arts Centre and Creative Places Tuam Artist Residency Award

Create, Galway Arts Centre and Creative Places Tuam invite expressions of interest from collaborative socially engaged artists who are from a minority ethnic background, have first-hand experience of displacement and/or are shaped by histories of intergenerational migration.  For this residency, candidates may self-identify as Traveller, Roma, refugee, migrant or otherwise through lived experience and/or second generational memories.

The residency is aimed at a professional artist who is interested in developing or consolidating their collaborative socially engaged arts practice.
The residency runs over four weeks, 5th-30th September 2022.

The closing date for Expressions of Interest is the 27th June 2022.

For more information please visit https://www.create-ireland.ie/projectsubpage/residencies/create-galway-arts-centre-and-creative-places-tuam-artist-residency-award/

Tipperary County Council Logo

Community Centre Investment Fund

This is a new capital fund will provide funding for the improvement and refurbishment of existing community centres in both urban and rural areas. Funding will be available under 3 Categories, with grants of between €10k and €300K available:

  • Category 1 : Small scale projects/improvements to facilities – €10,000 to €25,000
  • Category 2 : Larger scale projects – €25,001 to €100,000
  • Category 3 : Major projects – €100,001 to €300,000

Applications under Category 2 and 3 must include a minimum contribution of 5% of the total project costs from the applicants own funds.

Funding is available for capital works such as:

  • Energy retrofitting – projects that reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint
  • Works to address safety concerns, including as a result of fire safety audits
  • Works to improve disability access
  • Works to improve communal facilities such as kitchen and toilet facilities
  • Improvements to assist in providing additional or better services to the community
  • Essential maintenance work

The closing date for applications is Thursday 14th July 2022.

Further information visit and application form please visit https://www.gov.ie/en/service/fec91-community-centres-investment-fund/

2022 Town & Village Scheme

In 2022 the Town & Village Scheme minimum grant available is €20,000. The maximum level of grant funding available is remaining at €500,000 in respect of one application from each Local Authority.

Project Development Measure: The Project Development Measure (up to €50,000) was introduced on a trial basis last year. This year Local Authorities can submit up to 2 applications under the PDM.

Marketing Campaign Measure  A new Marketing Scheme Measure (up to €50,000) is being introduced, on a trial basis, to fund marketing campaigns targeted at attracting remote workers and mobile talent to individual counties, in line with the commitments under Our Rural Future.

The closing date for Expression of Interest is 12:00 noon on the 1st July 2022

For more information please visit https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/2022-town-village-scheme or email townandvillage@tipperarycoco.ie 

ETB Logo

Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF 2022)

The Mitigating against Educational Disadvantage Fund provides funding to support educationally disadvantaged learners in accessing and participating in community education. The fund aims to address the decline in participation of disadvantaged learners, particularly those on literacy and basic skills programmes at NFQ levels 1 to 3.

The fund places a strong focus on community education as a mechanism to continue to support and engage with disadvantaged learners. In addition, there is a focus on enabling the investment in building the digital infrastructure of providers and their capability to ensure that online learning can be delivered in a way that meets the complex needs of all learners.

Applications to the fund must be returned to maedf@tipperaryetb.ie, by close of business on 30th June 2022.  Late applications cannot be considered.

Please note : Internal ETB projects can not apply for this funding this year

More information and guidelines please visit https://tipperary.etb.ie/latest-news/mitigating-against-educational-disadvantage-fund-2022/ or contact Susan O’Reilly at soreilly@tipperaryetb.ie | 052 6124850
or contact Deborah Ryan at dryan@tipperaryetb.ie | 087 1251958.

Public Service Announcement, Training and Upcoming Local Events 

Community Wetlands Forum

Ideas Generation Workshop for Peatland Communities– Design thinking

‘Connecting Communities to Peatlands’ will deliver a series of two-hour online workshops to generate ideas on ways we can connect with peatlands in Ireland’s midlands. These workshops will follow a creative problem-solving process called design thinking. Design thinking is for everyone. It lays out a clear path for people to follow and encourages a positive mindset so people can learn about each other and their needs. See PDF attached for more details. If your community group is interested in taking part, please read the save the date info below, or get in touch!

Email: aoife@irishrurallink.ie or register on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ideas-generation-workshops-for-peatland-communities-in-the-midlands-tickets-334459365967

Please note the date of the workshop for your county, and spaces are limited.

Workshop dates for your county 6-8pm, Thursday 16th June, North Tipperary

Culture Night Friday September 23rd 2022

Culture Night invites everyone, everywhere, on one joyful night to discover and celebrate all that our culture is today

The Culture Night experience is across  a wide range of sectors – culture, arts, heritage, education, hospitality, tourism, health and commercial and corporate enterprise.

Its diversity is reflected in the scope and range of events and people who participate – and it aims to continue to connect with both engaged audiences as well as extending its reach to those who may not always have access.

To register visit https://culturenight.ie/get-involved/

community buddy peer support logo

The Community Buddy/ Peer Support Programme

The Community Buddy team calls on all community and residents’ groups to join our free online Peer-Support Training Programme.

Peer support is emotional and practical support between two people who share a common experience, and/or lived experiences. Our training provides Peer-Supporters with the tools to cope when wanting to help a peer who has a mental health issue, or who just needs to talk through a problem.

Learn how to:

  • Provide strong support for peers who are dealing with a mental health issue
  • Provide a listening ear and show empathy to those in mental health distress
  • Support peers so they may take positive, resilience-enhancing actions and adopt positive coping strategies
  • Identify significant levels of distress and, if necessary, mentor individuals to seek appropriate professional help

Community Buddy’ Training Programme via Zoom (*free to all community and residents’ groups)

  • 2 full days 9.30am to 5pm each day: Thursday 16th and Friday 17th June
  • 4 evenings over 2 weeks 7pm to 10pm each night: Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st June & Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th June  

Full details including registration please visithttps://www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/register-to-become-community-buddy/

Practice Seminar Parents Plus Special Needs Programme

Monday 27th June 11am -12:30 pm online by zoom

You are invited to attend special practice seminar to celebrate and support the work of the many practitioners who are delivering the Parents Plus Special Needs programme throughout Ireland and the UK. Come to the seminar and hear about   

  • how practitioners have successfully delivered the programme in a variety of settings, with a wide range of disabilities and age ranges
  • the current research and how the follow up studies are going
  • feedback from parents who are attending the groups
  • a presentation from Prof John Sharry on Parent empowerment and creating ongoing support groups in disability service

There will also be time for networking, breakouts and practice support

You are most welcome to attend if you are a professional who is already trained in the PPSN or if you are a manager or practitioner interested in finding out how the Parents Plus Special Needs programme might work in your service. The seminar is free to attend but you must register in advance here

Read more about the impact of the Parents Plus Special Needs Programme here

The rollout of the PPSN has been supported by ReThink Ireland, JP McManus Benevolent Fund, the Ecclesiastical Movement for Good fund, and the Sunbeam House Trust

Age Friendly Tipperary logo

Age Friendly EXPO Thursday 23rd June from 12 noon

On Thursday 23rd June Tipperary Age Friendly will host An Age Friendly EXPO, this event will showcase a range of services and supports available for positive ageing in County Tipperary

This Event will take place in TUS (formerly LIT) Campus, Nenagh Road Thurles on 23rd June 2022 from 12 noon to 3pm

It will feature information stands, complimented by presentations of topics such as Fire Safety, Fair Deal Scheme, Living Well with Dementia, Mindfulness and technologies available to support you in your own home.

The event is free of charge to attend, light refreshments will be provided. 

To ensure that people around the county can access the event Tipperary Age Friendly will also provide buses serving each of the following locations to arrive in Thurles for 12, departing at 3pm

  • Cahir-Clonmel-Cashel- Thurles
  • Carrick on Suir- Kilsheelan -Fethard-Killenaule-Horse & Jockey -Thurles
  • Tipperary Town- Dundrum- Holycross-Thurles
  • Roscrea- Templemore-Thurles
  • Nenagh- Borrisoleigh-Thurles

To book your place on the bus please ring 0818 06 5000 and ask to speak to a member of the Age Friendly Team or email agefriendly@tipperarycoco.ie

For more information in relation to the event, to view the list of exhibitors please visit www.tipperarycoco.ie

National Age Friendly Recognition Awards

With live events cancelled all around the world during the Covid pandemic, we are thrilled to announce that the National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards are back.

The primary aim of these awards is to recognise and reward achievement in age friendly initiatives around Ireland.  We are calling for organisations, individuals/members of the public, agencies and communities to submit applications on projects or programmes that they consider to be age friendly, especially those initiatives that have supported older people throughout the pandemic.

As with previous years, eight categories of awards, aligning to the WHO themes, have been chosen as they have a meaningful impact on the lives of older people in Ireland – Age Friendly Transport, Active & Healthy Ageing, Business Innovation, Safety & Security, Communication, Community Innovation, Environment, Housing.

You will find a link below to the application form plus a link to further information on our website, can I ask you to please help us to share this information and encourage projects to enter the Awards.

To apply please visit Application Form

For more information please visit our website https://agefriendlyireland.ie/agefriendlyawards2022/

Tipperary Age Friendly Newsletter

Please find attached the latest Tipperary Age Friendly Newsletter Age Friendly Newsletter May

Registrations are now OPEN for Street Feast 2022.

It’s been three long years since our last Street Feast in 2019 and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the return to community gatherings with you all on June 26th 2022.

Register your feast online and claim your free party pack which includes all the party essentials- bunting, invitations, posters & more…

Connection for Life logo

Training from the HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office, Spaces Available

  • ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), Wednesday and Thursday, June 29th and 30th, Waterford
  • Workshop for professionals and key contacts supporting people bereaved by suicide, Thursday, June 30th, Wexford

For additional information and to book a place on any of our programmes, please visit www.bookwhen.com/sro

Tipperary County Council Logo

Latest Arts Office Newsletter

Please find attached the latest Arts Office Newsletter https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/arts/current-news-letter

Tipperary Together Newsletter

The Together Tipperary newsletter issues online monthly Tipperary Together Newsletter May

If you or your community group would like to provide content to the next issue of this newsletter or add your organisation as a group that receives newsletter please email: tipperarytogether@tipperarycoco.ie 





If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to coordinator@ppntipperary.ie *If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email coordinator@ppntipperary.ie

(Please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/Information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*

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