This newsletter is part of the Tipperary Community Response and compliments the National In This Together campaign.
Its prepared by staff from Tipperary County Council and the HSE with content by partners in the Community Response for Tipperary and showcases community projects that have taken place to date in County Tipperary.
The newsletter is produced on a fortnightly basis and will issue online through the various partners.
It is part of an overall campaign which looks at the national themes of Looking after our Mental Health, Coping at Home, Let’s Play Ireland, Staying Active, Healthy Eating, Cocooning, Helping in our Community and Local Resources. The community and voluntary effort has demonstrated Tipperary’s capacity to ensure that no one is left behind, that we remain connected and that we are all in this together.
We would also request that community groups who would like to provide a contact for the newsletter to email or contact a member of the community team on 0761 06 5000.

Previous newsletters are able for viewing at

Category: Coping at Home Helping the Community Mental Health Staying Active

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