Clonmel MD Draft Vision

We are a resilient people that celebrate the different cultures, heritage and diversity within our community. We actively care for one another and for our environment. We live sustainably and all enjoy a great quality of life that is supported through a vibrant economy and excellent local infrastructure and services. These support us to maintain good health and wellbeing. We have strong, positive relationships with our Local Authority and other agencies, working together to ensure that our community continues to thrive into the future.

Social and Community Development

Our community is a welcoming and inclusive place, where we actively value diversity in all its forms and bring people together. Community action is supported and everyone’s views are recognised as important.  We are proud of Clonmel. We work closely with the Local Authority to design and develop our public spaces, town and villages in ways that support our thriving community. These spaces are provided with first class facilities and are all fully accessible. We have a wide range of housing options with a multi-generational focus that offer residents choice.

  • We recognise the many different needs of groups within our community. Working with our Local Authority, we ensure that local development of public areas is inclusive and provides welcoming social spaces that we can all use.
  • Close links between the local authority and community mean that all our housing has a multigenerational focus. We all have access to a choice of housing type and location, with easily accessible, public green spaces and pleasant central meeting places. We provide age- and ability-appropriate housing options and facilities that are both comfortable and attractive. 
  • We are proud of our integrated, diverse and friendly community, where the voice of the youth is included and respected. Community development is alive here, through ongoing community empowerment and a community action partnership.

Health (Physical and Mental)

We are resilient people, with the information and education to look after ourselves and one another in a well-integrated community. Our excellent health care system is well-resourced with health services with support for all needs. Our built environment and infrastructure is well planned and designed to support the needs of all groups within society to live well.

  • We have high quality mental and physical health services which ensure the best care for all people in our community.  All services are accessible from both rural or urban areas including rapid response and chronic care.
  • Our green spaces allow space for sensory gardens, outdoor recreation and community gardens. These allow Nature to thrive, promote our physical and mental health, our spiritual activity and healthy opportunities like “grow /cook your own”.
  • We have strong intergenerational links.
  • Our community embraces our older residents for their history, life stories and skills. Through well-planned educational inputs we have created a successful practice of integration, inclusion and support for all, with every generation involved in local life, working happily together.
  • Everyone has a home designed to support their needs, in safe, multi-generational communities that have full access to services.
  • We have excellent accessible transport networks with sustainable modes of transport and safe cycle and walking options. Our towns and villages are well-designed to be fully accessible.

Participation, Democracy & Good Governance

Our community has a collaborative and inclusive relationship with our local authority and government, that works through transparency and openness. We are well-informed, consulted and can influence local government decisions that affect us. Local representatives are diverse, well-trained and answerable.

  • We all understand how our local democracy works and actively engage in it, knowing we have a collective voice that is heard.
  • The views of all groups within our community are actively sought through well-planned and effective consultations and structures that feed into decision-making.
  • The local community has a critical role in decision making processes about issues that affect us.
  • There is a positive and trusting relationship between the community and the Local Authority which operates transparently and is fully accountable for its actions.
  • Our elected representatives work hard to achieve the community’s goals and are acutely aware of their remit and responsibilities.
  • Our representatives reflect how our varied community is made up and there are real and regular opportunities for everyone to serve.

Values, Culture and Meaning

We are a community with a strong shared sense of identity that embraces the many cultures found here as well as our vibrant Irish heritage. We celebrate diversity; valuing all our varied heritage, which we promote and share with visitors. All ages and groups within our community are included and supported. Our strong connectedness underlines how we live, and we are consulted about how our culture is reflected in the community and our local environment.

  • We are a positive multi-cultural community where we are educated about one another’s cultures. We actively celebrate these and work together to effectively counteract racism.
  • Irish heritage is alive and evident in all aspects of our daily life; our language, our traditions, our arts, culture and history.
  • No-one in our community is marginalised and all us of have the supports we need to enable us to live full and healthy lives.
  • Our whole environment demonstrates our sense of community. Our shared public spaces have been designed and planned with the people that use them.
  • Everyone in our community, and the visitors we welcome, are included in our festivals and events. Flexible public spaces, well-resourced facilities and great promotion enable us to showcase our community and it’s diverse history, culture and arts.
  • Irish heritage and traditions are thriving, and all age groups come together; sharing and enjoying this culture which ensures that it is sustained.
  • Local history, sport, music, spirituality, and the Irish language are all enthusiastically supported through accessible and affordable events and initiatives.

Work, Economy and Resources

This is a safe environment that is well-planned and has good infrastructure. This fosters a vibrant economy that generates incomes which support a good quality of life for all. We have excellent, wide-ranging and innovative supports for enterprise and people who are in or who are seeking work. Our versatile housing options meet the needs of all types of households and supports an integrated community. We have great schools and varied further education opportunities.

  • The Local Authority works with businesses and the local community to develop Clonmel and ensure that it stays vibrant and thriving. Spaces are provided and creatively used to accommodate enterprises. A range of initiatives assist in keeping business costs low and the development of new enterprises is actively encouraged.
  • We have first-rate infrastructure that supports both business and the community; with comprehensive transport systems, communications and technology and a choice of excellent schools and third level education opportunities.
  • Our different models and good supply of housing is attractive for workers, their families and others in the community. This supports the integration of our community and our ability to work together.

Environment and Sustainability

We are all aware of the importance of our natural environment and are committed to living in a way that protects our biodiversity and climate.  We are all very conscious of the importance to our wellbeing of green space, trees, community gardens and access to the natural environment.

  • All our policies and projects support sustainable living, including necessary climate action, biodiversity restoration measures, and so on.
  • We repair and reuse empty buildings especially in the town centre where we provide central social plazas. 
  • We have little reliance on cars, with cycle friendly policies and good low/no carbon public transport services, throughout urban and rural areas.
  • We actively minimise waste and made Clonmel a plastic free town, providing drinking water fountains is part of that policy.
  • We are well informed and actively implement waste prevention, recycling and re-use of materials. We have opportunities such as re-use and mend cafés specially to upcycle furniture, etc.
  • Everyone in our community is aware of the importance of our environment. We actively protect, enhance and enjoy our built and natural heritage.

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