
Tipperary PPN Newsletter September 2018



1. PPN News & Members Corner

2. Active Public Consultations/ Notices

3. Funding/ Grant Opportunities

4. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events

PPN News 



Red Cross Nenagh Open Night

 We wish to invite you to Nenagh Red Cross Open night on the 20th of September in Nenagh Pastoral Centre from 7-9 pm. 


All are welcome on the night.


The night will include information from the Red Cross First Aid Unit, Health and Social Unit and indeed Youth Sector.

Drop in for information on becoming a member, Courses and or indeed volunteering.


 First aid demonstrations as well as hand care demonstrations  will be taking place on the night .


Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.




The Communities Creating Jobs Board of Directors wish to promote the sale of this book in every County.


The book explores the potential of a bottom up regeneration strategy that creates new enterprises in local communities. A small task group of 6-8 people with a good knowledge of local assets and opportunities can complete an audit and report. The report highlights how 10 jobs can be created in urban and rural, large and small, disadvantaged and resourced on mountainside and seaside, in old and new communities throughout the county.

Every community organisation, support agency, and third level institution are encouraged to read the book which includes interesting case study material on how local resources are used to create new jobs, services and facilities. 

How to Purchase: 

Book is available for €20 by emailing Senan:


Click the link to check if the book is available near you: Click here: 


Dormant Account Action Plan 

Health Ministers welcome the approval of the 2018 Dormant Accounts Action Plan – €6.466m for health-related projects


More information please click here:


Calling All Public Participation Networks And Environmentalists

A license has been granted to BioAtlantis Ltd to mechanically harvest 1860 acres of native kelp from Bantry Bay, Cork.
Niamh O’Donoghue is conducting research on this topic for my Masters dissertation in Coastal and Marine Management in UCC.

The license has sparked conflict as seaweed harvesting in Ireland has traditionally been hand harvested, and this will be the largest industrial scale
native kelp extraction license ever issued in Irish or British waters.

Conversely, harvesting the kelp would enable compounds to be extracted for use as a substitute for antibiotics in the pig and poultry industry, and
could promote further development of Ireland’s seaweed sector.

She would love to hear your perspective on this matter. She attached a very short survey link attached to her email, which seeks to capture the views of stakeholders and individuals,  whether they are aware of this matter or not.
All results will remain anonymous with no link to your identity and it takes less than 4 minutes to complete.

For further information or questions contact Niamh on email:

See the link below to access the survey. Click here:

Active Public Consultations/ Notices


Funding/ Grant Opportunities



 Sports Capital Programme

The 2018 Sports Capital Programme is open for applications from 9am on Friday 7th September to 5pm on Friday 19th October, 2018.

Any organisation wishing to make an application under the Programme must be registered on OSCAR by 5pm on Friday 5th October, 2018.

A guide to registration


Go For Life Grant Scheme

The 2018 National Grant Scheme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People is now open for applications.


Closing date for applications is 12 noon Friday 28 September.


Grant forms are available to download from website alternatively call on 01 805 7709 or email


2018 Application Form

 Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events


Tipperary Mini Marathon 30th September 2018 

Tipperary’s women 10k mini marathon takes place on Sunday the 30th of September at 11:00 am Thurles. Closing date for entry is Monday the 24th of September 2018.

For further information please contact Tipperary sports partnership 076 1066 201 for Clonmel office or 076 106 5000 for Nenagh Office


Advocacy In Action Event 2018


The North Tipperary LEADER Partnership Advocacy service is organizing a series of talks over the period, 3rd – 5th October 2018, on a range of Special Needs.


For more information and to book a place contact North Tipperary LEADER Partnership on 0504 90579 or email:


Follow us on Facebook Tipperary Advocacy Supporting ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia


E.U. INTERFACE Project Information Event And Workshop 

Tipperary County Council will host an E.U. “INTERFACE” (Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Fragile Communities in Europe) project information event/ workshop for communities in Co. Tipperary on Monday 24th September in the Horse Museum, Fethard from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.


Participants will learn about the “INTERFACE” project and community social enterprise, hear from the perspective of a community initiative and get an opportunity to participate in a facilitated workshop on “Fragile Communities”.

RSVP to Angela Sheehan, Tipperary County Council on 0761 06 5000 or 


Places on this workshop are limited to 30 people due to the size of the venue, so it will be operated on a first come, first served basis.


Refresh Thurles event in Cabragh Wetlands

18th September 2018.

Public Meeting to Launch Fusion Map of Invasive Species (5 selected) in Thurles area
Please join us in Cabragh Wetlands Visitor Centre, Cabragh, Thurles for the launch of this project. The project will be led by Ciarán O’Sullivan a student of Environmental Studies at LIT Thurles. The project details will be presented on September 18th at 7.30pm in Cabragh Wetlands Visitor Centre.


There will also be a Q & A session after the presentation.

In brief, Ciarán has created a fusion map using some Google technology and this will enable citizens to upload details of any local occurrences of specific invasive species.

This citizen science project is in respect of five particularly concerning invasive species, namely (see links for more info):


Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum)

Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)

Giant Hogweed (Heracleum montegazzianum)

Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasis)


Members of the public, farmers, angling groups, gardeners, auctioneers – indeed many different sectors may have insights to provide for this project.

The project is part of the 2018/2019 work programme of Refresh Thurles Tidy Towns Group.


For queries please contact Refresh Thurles via Facebook, Email or Ciarán O’Sullivan 087 098 5628


Looking forward to seeing you in Cabragh Visitor Centre on September 18th at 7.30pm. 


South Tipperary Positive Mental Health Festival 2018

To coincide with World Mental Health Day on Wednesday 10th October, members of the South Tipperary Action Network (STAN) are organizing a Positive Mental Health  Festival from Friday 5th  – Saturday 13th October.

The aim of the festival is to celebrate  positive mental health. This year’s theme is ‘the young and young at heart’ It also aims to increase information/awareness around mental health and the organisations/supports in South Tipperary. 

This is a call out to all individuals, groups or organisations to take part in the South Tipperary Positive Mental Health Festival by promoting and sharing an event you have already planned or  by organizing an event during 5th – 13th October 2018 in the festival brochure. 

You interested in being part of the festival but are not planning an event?  You can volunteer to join the festival team and get involved.

See Facebook: South Tipperary Positive Mental Health Festival


The festival launch date is Thursday, September 20th 2018 at 11.00am in the Morton Street Day Centre, Clonmel  

So here is a list of what you need to email us for the events brochure 

  • Title of event:
  • Description of event: no more than 60 words to include:
    • Time
    • Date
    • Cost of event: (or state “Free” or “Closed event”)
    • Booking details for public
    • Website address/Facebook etc of organisation
    • Location of event – name and address
  • One good quality image of your venue or event or an appropriate image
  • Logo of your organization 

Please send the above information to or phone 087-1212435 for enquires. 


The Fulbright Awards 2019-2020 Applications Are Now Open

The Fulbright Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency are offering a unique opportunity for an Irish postgraduate student or scholar in the field to travel to the U.S. to study or research in the areas of water, climate, and sustainability.

Fulbright Award Registration Form

The application deadline is 16:00 on the 6th November 2018.

Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) Course

A 6 week Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) course will  commence on Thursday 20th September from 7 to 9 pm in ETB, Ormond Centre, Prior Park, Clonmel.


For more information please contact Kaye Fripps (RPN), Gillian Crowe (CNS) or Deidre Barry (Social worker) on 052 617 3495 or email:


Marathon Music Day In Aid Of Cuan Saor Women’s Refuge Clonmel



Feile na n’Ull – The Apple Festival 

The 3rd annual Apple Festival and Community Fair takes place in the ecovillage at Cloughjordan on Saturday from at 11am Saturday.

Sustainable Communities, celebrates the yield of apples, those that tend to the trees, who work the land and those who create delicious food.

The day features a number of talks, workshops and activities that are open to the public.


Highlights include delicious local food stalls, an apple baking contest, tours around the ecovillage, its orchards of heritage apples and a Heritage Day highlighting working animals and seed saving on the community farm. For more information check out


Tipperary Comhairle Na Óg AGM


Tipperary Comhairle Na Óg AGM 2018 will take place on Thursday 25th October in

The Dome, Thurles, Co. Tipperary  

Tipperary Comhairle is open to all young people up to 18, representing secondary schools and youth groups in County Tipperary.


“Giving youth a voice”  


For more information contact


“Building Sustainable Communities” Advice Clinic for Community Groups

Tipperary PPN invite all members to attend our next full member event (Plenary) on Thursday 8th November 6.30pm – 9.30pm.

This event promises to be an exciting evening with Guest speakers, information on funding and advice on grant writing applications. There will also be great spot prizes on the night.

Full agenda and more details will follow in the near future.

Venue to be confirmed:

If you wish to showcase your organisation on the night or if your organistion would like to suggest any agenda items please contact the PPN on or 0504 61014

Safe Talk Training 

Safe Talk training will take place Abbey Court Hotel Nenagh on 1st October from 9:45 am to 2pm cost is €5 (plus online booking fee). All participants must be over 18 years.

For Further information contact Tipperary Sports Partnership
on 067 44888 or email

Registration online until 1st October, 2018



Clonmel Applefest

Clonmel Applefest will take place in Clonmel from the 28th -30th of September.

To celebrate Clonmel’s unique sense of place, this special combination of land, water and food that gave the town its name – “Cluain Meala”, or “The Vale of Honey” and its unique mix of industrial, agricultural activities and heritage – the Quaker mills, the cider making, the cheese and butter traditions, but most of all, the apple growing and eating in all its forms! There is something for everyone, so let’s celebrate and enjoy the place.

For more information check out

If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to Avril Wilson 

*If you no longer wish to be a member of PPN Tipperary and would like to unsubscribe please email Avril Wilson


(Please note that by unsubscribing your group will no longer receive further first hand information in regards to Funding/Grants/Events/ Information etc that may be of help to your organisation)*


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