On 25 May 2018 the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force. We’re updating our Privacy Policy to provide you with what you need to know about how we use your personal information. The new Privacy Notice includes additional details such as:

  • The types of personal data we collect about you and what we use it for;
  • The lawful grounds for the processing of your personal data, and how long we keep it for;
  • Our information security policies and how we protect your data;
  • Any third parties with whom we share data; and
  • Your rights in respect of your personal data, with information on how to exercise those rights.

The new Privacy Policy applies to PPN Tipperary and all its subsidiaries from 25 May 2018.


What personal information do we hold on you?

We hold the following personal information about you:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number /Mobile Number (In some cases/where provided)
  • Organisation or Home address (In some cases/where provided)


Why do we hold this information?

Personal information collected by Tipperary PPN  is held by us to keep you informed of the PPN, events, training, activities and funding opportunities which are potentially relevant to you and your member group.


How do we have this information?

Your organisation registered with Tipperary PPN through submitting a physical registration form or you became a member by submitting an application through our website.

Please note we will be conducting a re-registration process, which will commence later in 2018.


How do you remove the information we hold on you?

If you no longer wish to receive correspondence from Tipperary PPN please email coordinator@ppntipperary.ie


What will Tipperary PPN do with your information?

Groups joining Tipperary PPN are providing us with their contact details in order to enable them to be fully consulted and included in the local democratic processes as well as in the national network of PPNs.

Groups joining the PPN are entering an agreement that the details they supply may be shared with other members of the network, with the elected representatives of the PPN, with members of Tipperary PPN’s secretariat, with the Environmental Pillar, with Tipperary County Council and with other bodies or persons who require access in order to facilitate the ongoing work of the PPN.

When you join Tipperary PPN you are also agreeing to receive emails and newsletters from us.

Tipperary PPN will not supply the information provided to it to any person or organisation not engaged in PPN work or activities or in the community and voluntary sector in Tipperary.

In the future Tipperary PPN may display the names and locations of member groups on its website. Individuals or member groups may request to have their personal data supplied to them and/or removed from or updated on the register by giving 30 days’ notice to Tipperary PPN

For PPN membership, we look for primary contact details and you may supply details of an alternate contact. Details of an alternate contact must only be supplied to the PPN when you have explicit permission to do so.


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