Tipperary PPN Newsletter December 2017

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The PPN team
would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members, volunteers and representatives for your contribution to Boards/Committees within the County and for your continued support during 2017. We look forward to working with you all in  2018.


1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events

PPN Tipperary News
December 2017

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Secretariat & Rep Vacancies

There are various Secretariat & Reps vacancies at present. Please note if interested in these current vacancies, refer to special newsletter and fill out relevant nomination forms.
Correspondence emailed on 8th December 2017. 

Useful Resources for our Members
Please click on the following links for more information.

  • Guidance for Charity Trustees click here

  • Internal Financial Controls Guidelines for Charities Click here

  • Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public Click here

  • Other Complimentary Resources Handbooks that are devised with the support of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last year: Click here 

  • A user-friendly introduction to sustainable fundraising for community and voluntary groups Click here

TPPN would like to get out and about to meet our members.

  We have had a busy month out and about at various events in the County. Here is a snippet of events we hosted and attended.

Tipperary PPN were delighted to attend the launch of the Clonmel Community Mothers Programme.  “Preparing for the future strategic review 2016-2017” Launched by Marie Kennedy Tusla Area manager for Carlow, Kilkenny, and South Tipperary.

Congratulations to Sr Patricia Wall on winning the overall Volunteer of the year award 2017.

We would love to visit you or attend an event you are running. If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact Avril Wilson to express an interest. 
Mobile: 087-4567111

If you wish to advertise in the Newsletter please
send information to the above email.

Developing the Potential of Social Enterprise in Ireland Consultation

Mr. Michael Ring, T.D., Minister for Rural and Community Development, has announced a research partnership between his Department and the Social Finance Foundation with a view to producing research outputs which will support the development of an Irish social enterprise policy and implementation roadmap in early 2018. As part of this research we are looking for social enterprises and those with an interest in the sector to contribute ideas and issues. Your views can be submitted through an online consultation which can be found at: Click here:
 This consultation is open until Friday December 15th at 5.00pm. 

 National Inventory of Intangible
Cultural Heritage 
Open Call

The Minister for Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht has announced an open call for submissions to the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ireland.
The  ‘National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage’ to be compiled to safeguard Ireland’s living culture in tandem with UNESCO Convention

Intangible cultural heritage is a living form of heritage that cannot be touched (unlike, for example, our built heritage).

It includes oral traditions; performing arts; social practices, rituals and events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; and traditional craftsmanship.

Submissions are being accepted  until 31 January 2018 (to the email address nationalich@chg.gov.ie).
Please find attached press release and Expression of Interest form
Queries can be directed to nationalich@chg.gov.ie 

Private water supplies and Floods in Ireland

(help with online survey)

Effects of flooding on drinking groundwater quality, and human health in Ireland

Any person living in Ireland that owns a private well or is part of a private Group (ground)Water Scheme, independently of their experience with floods, can participate through this link:  Click here:
The closing date for receipt of completed applications for the 2018 Scheme is Wednesday 31st January, 2018 at 12 noon.

The Southern Region’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 

 Consultation for Southern Region’s Regional Spatial & Ecomomic Strategy. The issue paper frames important questions through which a dialogue can be started for a shared vision for the future for the southern region
Issue paper for Tipperary  Click here 

For more information on the Southern Regional Assembly click here

Written Submissions are invited to be made by 5pm Friday 26th January 2018.

By Email:


By Post:

RSES Submissions, Southern Regional Assembly, Assembly House O’Connell Street, Waterford, X91 K256

New Public Library Strategy 2018-2022 Public Consultation

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Mr. Michael Ring T.D., is seeking submissions in respect of the Government’s new Public Library Strategy 2018-2022.
uploaded all information on the process on Department of Rural and Community Development
Click here:
Closing Date is February 1st  2018.

Tipperary County Council Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) & Local Improvement Scheme (LIS)  Non Public Roads. 2018
Applications are invited for the Local Improvement Scheme & Community Involvement Scheme  which applies to non-public accommodation roads.  Projects must benefit two or more parcels of land owned or occupied by different persons or serve the public.  Applications also invited from local residents.
 The scheme will apply to local public roads of the following types – low traffic volume, minor and cul-de-sac, subject to adequate funding being made available.
Further details and application forms are attached or from the Council’s web-site click here: Closing date 31st January, 2018 at 12 noon.

Events / Training  


Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:


Would you like to become a “Cook It!” Leader

Training will take place January 10th venue  Kilkenny
Funded under the Healthy Ireland/ Local Community Development Committee Fund.
Inviting  applications from people to attend tutor training 6 Session Course (which is free to participants)
see attached application and Poster
Closing date for Applications 15th December. 

Leadership Programme

Enrollment is now open for The Wheel’s prestigious Level 9 Accredited
Leadership Programme
Learn & Enroll Now

Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Health Awareness Training

“Lesbian Gay Bisexual adult support group” will start in January 2018.
Clonmel Community Resource Centre  Tuesday 9th January 2018 from 7pm to 9pm every month. 

Addiction Studies Course 2018

Youth Work Ireland Tipperary are once again delighted to be in a position to offer people the opportunity to participate in the Community Addiction Studies programme which is delivered in conjunction with the HSE and LIT. The 10 week course commences on Wednesday the 24th of January 2018 from 10-12pm. The course will be held in Youth Work Ireland Tipperary, Bank Place, Tipperary Town.
The closing date for application forms is Friday the 19th of January 2018 however places are limited so please ensure you book a place as soon as possible.

For further information or to book a place please contact Catherine Doyle on 083-1741680 or by email on catherine.doyle@youthworktipperary.ie. 

Mental Health Workshop

Mind your Mental Health workshop organised and run by Mental Health Ireland.
December, Monday 18th, 10am – 1.30pm 


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