Tipperary PPN Newsletter August 2017

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Tipperary PPN brings you current news on funding, training, events, consultations and how to have your say in the County.


1.PPN News
2.Active Public Consultations / Notices
3.Funding/Grant Opportunities
4.Public Service Announcements, training and upcoming local events

PPN Tipperary News August 2017

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Dates for your Diary: 

REPS meeting Monday 25th September 7.30pm
Venue: Thurles Enterprise Centre Building  (Beside LIT Campus)

Next Plenary Meeting Saturday 18th November 
Venue to be confirmed. 

Tipperary PPN are recruiting an Administrator  (CE Position) 
This person will support the work of the Tipperary Public Participation Network which has over 1400 members drawn from Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental organisations across the County.  The post holder will have responsibility for general administration and maintaining two-way communication with our members.  The post holder will have an opportunity to develop their skills set in a variety of ways and to network extensively.
To apply visit www.jobsireland.ie and use the following job reference number in the  key word search box CES-2049888 or contact Avril for more information on 087 4567111

Vacancies on our Secretariat

What is the Secretariat?
Tipperary PPN is a flat structure and is governed by all the members (aka ‘the Plenary’). In Tipperary we currently have over 1400 member organisations which make up our Plenary! So in order to run the PPN a committee type structure called a ‘Secretariat’ coordinates the PPN and communicates with all the organisations within the PPN in between large full member meetings (called Plenary meetings). The term ‘Secretariat’ is used instead of ‘committee’ because it doesn’t have as much decision-making powers as a committee, for example there is no chair or treasurer and decisions need to be made by consensus or vote.

The Secretariat is made up of members from the PPN’s three sectors: Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental and from all 5 Municipal Districts. So that makes a total of 15 members on the Secretariat.

Current Vacancies on the Secretariat: 

Carrick – Fethard MD:
1 Rep for Social Inclusion
1 Rep Environment
1 Rep Community and Voluntary Sector

Cashel -Tipperary MD: 
1 Rep Environmental

Clonmel – Cahir MD: 
1 Rep Community and Voluntary Sector
1 Rep Environmental

Nenagh MD: 
1 Rep Social Inclusion

Thurles Templemore Roscrea MD:
1 Rep Social Inclusion

If your group wishes to nominate somebody onto any of these secretariat seats please fill in the nomination form Click Here:

Closing date:  6pm Friday 13th October 2017

Rep Update:

Tipperary Education Board (Further Education and Training Sub Committee)

TPPN wish to Congratulate Toni Gleeson (Disability  Federation Ireland) on her recent election as the Rep to the Tipperary Education Board (Further Education and Training Sub Committee). We wish her good luck in this role and Toni will be in touch with the Education training Board linkage group in due course.

PPN require a Rep for LCDC (Alternate Rep) for Tipperary  Environmental Pillar.
If you are interested and wish your group to nominate you please fill in the nomination form click here:  If there is more than one person nominated an election process will follow.

TPPN would like to get out and about to meet our members.


We would love to visit you or attend an event you are running. We will advertise our visit here. If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact Avril Wilson to express an interest.
Mobile: 087-4567111

Landline: 0504 61014
Email: ppntipperary@gmail.com

If you wish to advertise in the Newsletter please send information to the above email.

Have your say!

1. Consultation on Public Service Development and Innovation Framework

A new framework is being prepared to improve and develop Public Services. Your views are sought on the general direction and the 20 actions proposed to be implemented across the Public Service by 2020. Please take part in this online consultation, or send a written submission to Our Public Service 2020 submissions, Reform and Delivery Office, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, 7-9 Merrion Row, Dublin 2, D02 V223 or email ourpublicservice2020@per.gov.ie

Click link for more info:
Click Here 

Closing date 4th September 2017


1. Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme for your attention
For queries, please contact grants@ihrec.ie.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 6th of September 2017 at 5.00pm. 
For more info Click here 

2. Local Enterprise Office Funding opportunity:
The LEO Innovation Investment Fund is now open for applications. This fund is targeting existing or previous LEO clients or have had communication with the LEO Network in the past. Proposal call for investor ready clients in the manufacturing and traded services sector, who wish to start grow or develop innovative micro business.

Click here to find out more

3. Inland Fisheries Ireland Funding Call 2017

The funding call, which consists of three separate funding streams, will help ensure that Ireland’s fish stocks and angling infrastructure are protected and enhanced into the future.

For more information on each of the funding streams, upcoming regional workshops and to apply, visit www.fisheriesireland.ie/funding.

Closing date for applications is Friday, 13th of October 2017.

4. Train the Trainer Course at reduced rates.
Venue: Clonmel Family Resource Centre. Contact Catherine Hanley on 052 6129143  by Friday the 1st of September 2017

5. Community Finance Ireland – Social Finance 
Do you need a bridging loan for your community organisation or social enterprise.
Click here 

Events / Training

Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:


Achieving Fundraising Sustainability for Your Nonprofit:
3rd October 2017 2pm – 5pm

Finding it hard to achieve financial sustainability for your organisation? This workshop will provide you and your team with a tried and tested fundraising process to take you towards your goals.

Training provider: The Wheel

Clonmel venue to be confirmed

Price details:
Member Price: 60 Euro / Non-Member Price: 95 Euro
To Book  Click Here:

CONVERGENCE event for PPN Members

PPN Members are invited to attend

Wednesday 20th 19.30 pm – 21.30 pm
VENUE: WeCreate Workspace, Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Tipperary.
Limited places available to book contact 0505 56061 / 0505 56060 or email convergence@cultivate.ie

This evening event aims to inspire increased engagement in green business, sustainability and local energy projects. A facilitated introduction where a number of Tipperary projects will tell their own story followed by a cafe conversation exploring questions designed to bring a deeper understanding of common ground and actions that might enable more local initiatives. This event is free of charge but booking is essential.

Paul Allen, a Director at the Centre of
Alternative Energy in Machynlleth in Wales and
the editor of Zero Carbon Britain, will share the
lessons from the latest Zero Carbon Britain:
Making It Happen report and explore how we
might empower citizens and catalyse change

This event is part of CONVERGENCE 17 coordinated by Cultivate and is supported by the Tipperary Public Participation Network, the EPA, Cloughjordan Ecovillage, CRES, Tipperary Energy Agency and Tipperary Green Business Network


Convergence takes place between September 16th to 30th 2017
Convergence Programme 2017 can be found at www.cultivate.ie 

For further details contact convergence@cultivate.ie

LGBTI Awareness Days

You are invited to join LGBTI  HEALTH  AWARENESS
Promoting LGBTI Health Awareness across Tipperary

Dates confirmed are:

Clonmel: Clonmel Family Resource Cente 19th of October 2017 11am – 2pm
Tipperary Town: Knockanrawely Resource Centre 15th of November 2017 11am – 2pm
Carrick on Suir: Edge project youth centre  8th of November 2017 11am – 2pm
Nenagh: Venue TBC 22nd November 11am – 2pm
Fethard: Fethard Community Hall 25th October 11am – 2pm

The Transgender support group is held on the last Thursday of the month. Next meeting in September. 

Contact Gerard@clonmelcrc.ie or 052 612914 For more info.

Order Of Malta Thurles 
Full range of first aid courses

Basic, Paediatric, Childcare, Clubs, Work, Defibrillator/AED Programmes, Cardiac First Responder and First Aid Responder. Contact 0872390111, thurles@orderofmalta.ie, or visit www.fb.com/thurlesorderofmalta

Art and Heritage upcoming events: 

1. Portumna’s Shorelines Arts Festival

Art Exhibition in The Gallery at the Workhouse
The Gallery at The Irish Workhouse Centre in Portumna will be home to the Shorelines Art Exhibition from September 4th-24th (includes the festival weekend September 14th-17th). The exhibition will feature artwork from local as well as invited artists. Invited artists for 2017 include Liz Doyle, Judy Hamilton, Anna Hryniewicz, Jim Osborne and Lorna Watkins.

If you would like to get involved,

  • The Registration Form – to be completed in advance – may be downloaded here.
  • Visit the website for full festival detailswww.shorelinesartsfestival.com
  • Contact Curators for more info: Margaret 086 319 5603 and Jackie 087 631 9890.

2. Working with Digital Images with Tim Durham
VAI in partnership with Tipperary County Council and Damer House Gallery

Follow this link to register click here:
Sat 9 Sept (09.30 – 16.30)
@ Damer House Gallery, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Places: 10
40 / 20 (Tipperary Artists & VAI Members)

3. The Caterpillar Story for Children Prize 2017
Have you written a story for children? 

Now in its third year, The Caterpillar Story for Children Prize offers one of the few opportunities for adults writing for children to be recognised and to see their work in print.

The Prize is for a story written for children aged 7–11. It can be on any subject and in any style. The maximum word length is 1,500.

There is an entry fee of €12 per story, and you can enter as many stories as you like.

The three winning stories will be published in the winter issue of The Caterpillar, a quarterly printed magazine for children. Previous winning stories were also published online in the Irish Times. You can read last year’s winning story by Chris Preece here.

The prizes are as follows:

1st prize 2-week stay at The Moth Retreat plus €500
2nd prize €300
3rd prize €200


4. 2017 Dromineer Literary Festival  Programme Launch  7pm, Friday September 8 
With a poetry reading by Mark Roper  – at Nenagh Arts Centre

Dromineer Literary Festival October 6-8th 2017 http://www.dromineerliteraryfestival.ie/

5. Lecture @ County Museum, Clonmel. 
September 7thThursday, 7pm to 9pm  – Clonmel Museum, Mick Delahunty Square, Clonmel. Admission: €10
To mark the 150th Anniversary of the daring escape of Laurence O’Brien from Clonmel County Gaol, an evening of lectures
Speakers on the night will be historian and author Owen McGee, Irish in the American Civil War expert Damien Shiels, and genealogist and historian Maura Kiely on Laurence O’Brien.

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