Tipperary PPN Newsletter 24 May 2017

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Highlights in this issue:

Welcome Dee!
Active Grants available to members
Upcoming Free Training Programs
Upcoming Local Events

Tipperary PPN brings you current news on funding, training, events, consultations and how to have your say in the County. 

It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act – Dalai Lama

*If your group has information you’d like to include in the newsletter make sure to send it in at least 2 weeks before the date to ensure it gets included. 

PPN Tipperary News 24 May 2017


PPN News

  1. Attending Events Around the County – Social Justice Ireland, Tipperary Residents Network & Knockanrawley Celebration of Diversity Events


  1. Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017


  1. Community Facilities Scheme 2017
  2. HSE National Lottery Grants
  3. Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017
  4. Tipperary Creative Ireland Programme Grant Fund

Events / Training

  1. What’s on in Tipp
  2. Volunteer Ireland National Volunteer Management Conference
  3. Draft River Basin Management Plan – Public Meetings by Water & Communities

Other News

  1. 8th Annual Street Feast – how to get involved
  2. National Heritage Week 2017 – how to get involved
  3. Transgender Information & Support Group

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Each month, the PPN Tipperary team attend a member event and advertise our visit here.

If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact ppntipperary@gmail.com to express an interest.

PPN News


Attending Events Around the County
Our new Coordinator, Dee, has been making the rounds over the past few weeks attending member events. A huge thank you to everyone for giving her a warm welcome!

Dee attended a Social Justice Ireland event on Saturday May 20th where Sean Healy and Sara Bourke from Social Justice Ireland led a presentation on the new Social Contract for Ireland.

On Friday, May 19th Dee also attended the Tipperary Residents Network Pop-Up Shop event celebrating volunteers and showcasing its great work for volunteer communities as well as the Knockanrawley Celebration of Diversity event, a great  celebration of families and local communities.

Dee is looking forward to attending more upcoming events and meeting more of our amazing PPN members!



Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017

The European Commission is currently looking at a possible initiative to protect passengers when using multimodal transport, and is seeking views from the general public on the issue.  I have attached a link to the public consultation below should it be or interest to you or your organisation.  Please note that the consultation period ends on the 25th of May, so all questionnaires should be returned before this date.

Public consultation on a possible initiative at EU level in the field of passengers rights in multimodal transport



Community Facilities Scheme 2017

Tipperary Local Community Development Committee is seeking applications from community groups for funding under the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government’s Communities Facilities Scheme 2017

On 10th March 2017 the Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, announced a new Capital grants scheme for disadvantaged urban and rural areas. The Scheme will run initially from July 2017-December 2017 and is focused on providing small-scale capital grants to help grass roots community projects get underway or take the next step towards completion.

In County Tipperary the Scheme is being administered, on behalf of the Department, by Tipperary Local Community Development Committee along with the five Municipal Districts of Tipperary County Council.

The aim of the Scheme is to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at a local level by providing access to small-scale capital grants. The Scheme will offer grants up to a maximum of €1,000 per project. The maximum amount of €1,000 is small, acknowledging that there would be other grant schemes for larger works.  This would cover the cost of, for example, office equipment, project resources, research facilities or maintenance of premises, etc. for voluntary groups.

Applications are now being invited for funding under this Scheme.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 30th June 2017 at 5pm. Late applications will NOT be accepted.

It is anticipated that Municipal Districts will make their final decision to approve or deny applications at their meetings during September 2017.

The Application Form and a Scheme Guidelines Document are attached and are available for download here on Tipperary County Council’s website.

For any queries please email: cfs2017@tipperarycoco.ie

HSE National Lottery Funding Grants 

Applications are now being invited by the HSE for National Lottery Funding Grants.

This funding is distributed by the HSE each year to community based groups and voluntary organisations under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme.

Groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services can apply for once off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects.

The HSE is advertising in regional newspapers over the coming weeks for applications, and you may wish to share this notification among your professional or local networks.
All of the information required, including application forms, is now available on www.hse.ie/lotterygrants

Completed Application Forms must be returned to the local Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO).

Closing Date for Applications – 17:00 on Friday 26th May 2017.

Applicants will be advised as to the outcome of their application no later than Thursday 31.08.2017.

For more, please visit www.hse.ie/lotterygrants

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017 was recently launched by the Department of Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, and is an initiative under the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development, Realising our Rural Potential. The scheme is specifically targeted at towns and villages with populations of less than 10,000. A National Fund of €20m will be made available on a competitive basis for projects developed at local level. The Department have indicated that they will approve nationally up to 300 projects, to be commenced in 2017 and completed by mid 2018.

The focus of the Scheme is on rejuvenating Ireland’s rural towns and villages to make them more attractive places in which to live and work, and to increase their tourism potential.

An advert/notice will be appearing this week in the local newspapers seeking submission of Expression of Interests from interested town/village groups under the terms of this Scheme.

All expressions of interest will be assessed by the Council based on the priorities as contained in the Scheme Outline. A maximum of 15 proposals can be selected for County Tipperary, including those put forward by the Council itself, for development into detailed applications which will be submitted by the Council to the Department. It is the Department who will make the final selection and approval of projects to be funded by the Scheme.

Project proposals must include activities that will have clear positive impacts on the town or village making them more attractive places in which to live and work, and to increase their tourism potential. Extra priority will be given to projects which stimulate economic activity in the town/village and between it and neighbouring townlands.

Up to 80% of the total cost of a project can be provided for any individual project; 20% match-funding has to be provided. A town/village project application can include several linked components to support the rejuvenation of the town/village. The minimum grant which is available is €20,000 and the maximum, generally, is €100,000.

The Department’s 2017 Scheme Outline document and Expression of Interest form is attached for your information. Any interested town/village group must complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to the Community & Economic Development Section, Tipperary County Council, Ballingarrane House, Cahir Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary or email totownandvillage2017@tipperarycoco.ie  no later than 12noon on Friday 26th May 2017.

Additional information and an expression of interest form are attached to this newsletter.

Tipperary Creative Ireland Programme Grant Fund

This grant scheme is open to community groups and not for profit organisations, arts, heritage and cultural groups, venues and societies. Applications by individuals must be in partnership with a community, cultural or heritage group. All groups in receipt of funding from Tipperary County Council must be members of Tipperary PPN.

The closing date is Friday 9th June @ 4.30pm

Guidelines, Criteria and Application forms – follow the link below:


Events / Training

Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

National Volunteer Management Conference

To celebrate Sligo’s designation as European Volunteering Capital 2017, we’re taking the National Volunteer Management Conference on tour!  This year’s conference will take place on Tuesday 30th May 2017 in the Aurivo Auditorium in the Sligo Institute of Technology.

The conference provides the opportunity to spend some quality time on personal development, networking with your volunteer management colleagues and peers and participating in a host of motivating masterclasses and discussions focused on volunteer recruitment, retention, training, support and management.

Check out the full programme in the conference brochure.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone working in the field of Volunteer Management
  • Anyone who manages volunteers as part of their role
  • Senior Managers and CEOs of organisations that involve volunteers
  • Anyone with a general interest in volunteer management

What will I get?
Early bird tickets are just €63 and for that you get:

  • A host of great masterclasses to choose from
  • A hot lunch
  • Ample opportunity for networking with plenty of refreshment

Pricing and registration
Tickets can be purchased online. Last year’s conference sold out so we encourage early booking to avoid disappointment. Registration begins at 8.45am.

  • Early Bird € 63
  • Standard Rate € 68

Draft River Basin Management Plan – Public Meetings by Water & Communities

Do Your Local Rivers & Lakes Matter To You?

A series of public meetings will be held over the coming weeks to discuss water bodies in County Tipperary in the context of the draft River Basin Management Plan (2018-2021). Are you are interested in water quality, biodiversity, heritage, water based recreation and tourism? Are there issues affecting your local water body, be it a stream, river or lake? Then this is an opportunity for you to have your say.

Venue Date Time
Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh Thursday – 1st June 7.30 pm
Anner Hotel, Thurles Tuesday – 6th June 7.30 pm
Excel Centre, Tipperary Tuesday – 13th June 7.30 pm
Clonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel Wednesday – 14th June 7.30 pm
Tirry Centre, Barrack Street, Fethard Tuesday – 27th June 7.30 pm

All Welcome – Tea / Coffee provided

The public meetings will outline what is included in the draft Plan along with details on how you can input into the final plan. The Waters & Communities Office aims to get local communities more actively involved in protecting and enhancing local water bodies. The meetings listed below will provide an opportunity for you to influence policy and local programme measures and projects.

Ruairí Ó Conchúir, Community Waters Officer, and Dr. Fran Igoe, Regional Co-ordinator, will present information on the draft Plan and facilitate a discussion on issues emerging including funding opportunities for local community projects. The meetings will be an important networking opportunity. For more info contact 0761 06 5262 or info@lawco.ie

For information on water quality in your area or to find out what local communities are doing around Ireland, check out www.catchments.ie and sign up for the free Catchments Newsletter.

Other News

8th Annual Street Feast

Communities across Tipperary planning 12 Street Feast celebrations so far including in Thurles, Nenagh and Clonmel

3 weeks until

Street Feast 2017

National Day of Street Parties and Community Celebrations

Over 1000 Street Feast Parties registered to date

with 12 parties planned for Tipperary so far!

To register and receive your Free Party Pack* for Sunday, 11th June 2017

log onto www.streetfeast.ie

Tuesday, 23rd May 2017 – Street Feast are delighted to confirm that over 1000 Street Feast parties around the country have been registered to date, including 12 taking place in Tipperary.  The 8th Annual Street Feast Day, which is to be held on Sunday, 11th June 2017 is attracting greater numbers than ever before. In Tipperary this year, Street Feast parties are taking place throughout the county, including in Thurles, Nenagh and Clonmel.  It is expected that over 950 neighbours will take part in county-wide Tipperary Street Feasts, which are supported by Tipperary County Council.

There is still time to register and include your community in the 2017 celebrations. Please visit www.streetfeast.ie.

Street Feast is an Irish local community initiative and is an all-for-fun, do-it-yourself, not-for-profit celebration.  The initiative invites individuals, groups or clubs to host a lunch on their street, in a local park or in their front gardens – inviting other neighbours to come along and join them.  The all-inclusive, age-friendly initiative aims to encourage active participation, bring communities together and reduce isolation.  Everyone is encouraged to bring something along to share, whether it be a dish, a chair or a tune.

Street Feast are calling on people nationwide to come together at 12.00 noon on Sunday, 11th June to enjoy a bite to eat with their neighbours for a simple and fun way of reconnecting with those that live near them.

Patron of Street Feast, President Michael D Higgins congratulated the initiative,

“We must all by now realise the importance of community, inclusion, creativity and togetherness – all values that require support and a conscious effort of care, protection and solidarity.  Initiatives such as Street Feast provide exactly that type of opportunity.”


Street Feast 2017


National Heritage Week 

We’re preparing for National Heritage Week 2017 which will take place from 19-27 August and we’re making this the year we help more people learn about and enjoy Ireland’s nature.

We are encouraging environmental, social inclusion and voluntary groups across Ireland to take part as event organisers and participants.  Heritage Week is the largest cultural event in Ireland with almost 1,000 organisations and individuals involved in hosting over 1,800 unique events in 2016.  The week attracts an annual audience of approximately 430,000 people.

Please find here our 100 Event Ideas Booklet (also available as Gaeilge).

Transgender Information & Support Group

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