Tipperary PPN Newsletter 30 March 2017



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Highlights in this issue:

PPN March 25th Members Event Summary
PPN Tipperary is looking for a Co-ordinator
Active Grants available to members
Upcoming Free Training Programs/Lectures by The Wheel
World Autism Day Screening Event

Tipperary PPN brings you current news on funding, training, events, consultations and how to have your say in the County. 

“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted” ― Aesop




*If your group has information you’d like to include in the newsletter make sure to send it in at least 2 weeks before the date to ensure it gets included. 



PPN Tipperary News 30 March 2017


PPN News

  1. PPN Tipperary Plenary Highlights
  2. PPN Tipperary is looking for a Co-ordinator


  1. Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017


  1. Communities Integration Fund
  2. Clonmel/ Cahir District Grant Schemes 2017
  3. Carrick-On-Suir/ Fethard Municpal District 2017
  4. Sage Foundation Enterprise Fund
  5. Community Facilities Scheme 2017
  6. HSE National Lottery Grants

Events / Training

  1. What’s on in Tipp
  2. Stress & Anger Management Training, Spafield FRC, Cashel – March 2017
  3. ETB Horticulture Courses
  4. Interactive Discussion on European Funding & Policy and Remuneration: Recognition & Reward Seminar  both operated by The Wheel
  5. World Autism Day Screening

Other News

  1. Central Statistics Office Household Survey Information
  2. Refresh Thurles has published a Residents Association Handbook

Tipperary PPN Members Corner

Each month, the PPN Tipperary team attend a member event and advertise our visit here. Our space for April is open!

If you would like to be featured in the Members Corner of the newsletter contact ppntipperary@gmail.com to express an interest.


PPN News

Tipperary PPN Plenary Highlights
On Saturday more than 40 people from 30 member organisations attended the PPN Tipperary Plenary event. During this full-day event members listened to lectures and presentations from prominent guest speakers, PPN members and a representative from the county council. Members enjoyed opportunities to network and also voted on the memorandum of understanding and the PPN constitution. A photo slideshow of the event can be seen here and is also on our website under PPN News. Complete minutes of the event will be sent out with the next newsletter.

PPN Tipperary is looking for a Co-ordinator
(the option for part time work will be considered)

The overall purpose of the job is: 
To support the work of the Secretariat to continue to develop the PPN  in Tipperary to enhance participation in decision making, information sharing and capacity building in  environmental, social inclusion and community and voluntary organisations in accordance with the relevant guidelines.

The Co-ordinator will be a highly motivated person, with a strong sense of commitment to the ideas and values inherent in the work of PPN.  They should have substantial relevant knowledge and experience in community development.  A detailed role description and application form are available from https://www.ppntipperary.ie/information-hub/recruitment

Completed application forms must be returned by email to recruitment@ppntipperary.org by 5.00p.m on Monday 3rd April 2017

Applications will be short listed and interviews will take place in the week commencing the 10th April 2017.

Tipperary PPN is an Equal Opportunities Employer.





Public consultation on multi-modal transport – 25 May 2017

The European Commission is currently looking at a possible initiative to protect passengers when using multimodal transport, and is seeking views from the general public on the issue.  I have attached a link to the public consultation below should it be or interest to you or your organisation.  Please note that the consultation period ends on the 25th of May, so all questionnaires should be returned before this date.

Public consultation on a possible initiative at EU level in the field of passengers rights in multimodal transport



Communities Integration Fund – Deadline 30 March 2017

The Communities Integration Fund will fund actions by community organisations to promote integration in their local communities.

The intention is to provide funding and support for communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting integration by providing practical support to facilitate social inclusion among the migrant population.

A total amount of €500,000 will be made available in 2017 to local community based groups to promote integration in their area e.g. local sporting clubs, faith-based groups, theatrical and cultural organisations.

Grants/funding may be provided up to a maximum of €5,000 depending on the size and nature of the project.

Activities may include, for example:-

  • activities aimed at introducing newly arrived migrants to the community
  • measures to encourage migrant participation in local civil and cultural activities (and complement existing programmes and activities)
  • measures to encourage involvement in local sports clubs, theatre groups, youth clubs, after school clubs, scouts, dancing troupes, choirs, drama/theatre groups, parent& child groups, etc.
  • measures to link migrants with opportunities in the community (including employment)

Further information and an application form is now available:
Application form 
Guidance Note

Clonmel/ Cahir District Grant Schemes 2017

Please note below and the documents attached in relation to
two separate Grant Schemes which are now open for applications in Clonmel Borough District:

  1. Community Grant Scheme 2017  and
  2. Clonmel and Cahir Town Painting & Enhancement Scheme 2017

Applications forms, Scheme Conditions and maps showing the designated area for the Painting Scheme in Clonmel and Cahir are available on the www.tipperarycoco.ie website and attached to this email.

Carrick-on-Suir/ Fethard District Community Grants Scheme 2017

This Community Grants Scheme is formulated to assist community groups in the Carrick-on-Suir Municipal District in meeting their running costs (current costs) and in finding new projects which create an asset for the community (capital costs). The scheme is funded from the General Municipal Allocation.

The groups that may be assisted include:
•    Tidy Town Committees
•    Community Committees
•    Parish Councils
•    Sports, arts or heritage committees
•    Burial Ground Committees
This list is not a complete one. Groups will have to show that they are democratic in nature and community based. In practice, this means that the group’s constitution and the minutes of the most recent annual general meeting will have to be submitted.

Groups will also have to be members of the Public Participation Network, must be tax compliant, and generally must be compliant with any regulations relevant to their activities.

*Find more details and the application form attached to this 

Sage Foundation Enterprise Fund 

We are delighted to announce that the Sage Foundation has launched a $1 million Enterprise Fund to back the brightest ideas from charities.

What is it?
§  The fund will support: new initiatives, help organisations raise more income or enhance existing and proven activity.
§  The foundation are particularly interested in applications that demonstrate an enterprising approach and innovative solutions to issues in the community.

Who is it for?
§  The fund is open to charities and non-profits delivering change to young people (under 25), women and girls and military veterans lives in the local community.
§  All applications that fulfil the fund’s eligibility criteria will be considered however, they are really keen to support organisations that are currently small but have ambitions to expand, grow and deliver sustainable change.

How do they benefit?
§  Grants between $5,000 – $35,000 will be awarded
§  Closing date April 5 2017
§  The $1 million is split across now and the second round in July 2017

Find out more here.

How to apply

  • Click here to check if your charity is eligible for Sage Foundation’s Enterprise Fund

Community Facilities Scheme 2017

Tipperary Local Community Development Committee is seeking applications from community groups for funding under the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government’s Communities Facilities Scheme 2017

On 10th March 2017 the Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, announced a new Capital grants scheme for disadvantaged urban and rural areas. The Scheme will run initially from July 2017-December 2017 and is focused on providing small-scale capital grants to help grass roots community projects get underway or take the next step towards completion.

In County Tipperary the Scheme is being administered, on behalf of the Department, by Tipperary Local Community Development Committee along with the five Municipal Districts of Tipperary County Council.

The aim of the Scheme is to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at a local level by providing access to small-scale capital grants. The Scheme will offer grants up to a maximum of €1,000 per project. The maximum amount of €1,000 is small, acknowledging that there would be other grant schemes for larger works.  This would cover the cost of, for example, office equipment, project resources, research facilities or maintenance of premises, etc. for voluntary groups.

Applications are now being invited for funding under this Scheme.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 30th June 2017 at 5pm. Late applications will NOT be accepted.

It is anticipated that Municipal Districts will make their final decision to approve or deny applications at their meetings during September 2017.

The Application Form and a Scheme Guidelines Document are attached and are available for download here on Tipperary County Council’s website.

For any queries please email: cfs2017@tipperarycoco.ie

HSE National Lottery Funding Grants 

Applications are now being invited by the HSE for National Lottery Funding Grants.
This funding is distributed by the HSE each year to community based groups and voluntary organisations under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme.
Groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services can apply for once off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects.
The HSE is advertising in regional newspapers over the coming weeks for applications, and you may wish to share this notification among your professional or local networks.
All of the information required, including application forms, is now available on www.hse.ie/lotterygrants

Completed Application Forms must be returned to the local Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO).

Closing Date for Applications – 17:00 on Friday 26th May 2017.

Applicants will be advised as to the outcome of their application no later than Thursday 31.08.2017.

For more, please visit www.hse.ie/lotterygrants



Events / Training

Find out what’s on in Tipp by clicking this icon:

Horticulture Course – Roscrea
Operated by the ETB, horticulture courses will be operated in Roscrea for the next several weeks. Though courses commenced on March 28th, recruitment is still open. More information is attached to this newsletter.

Free Events Offered by The Wheel 

The Community Foundation for Ireland, Dochas, The Wheel and Adare HRM are partnering up to deliver a highly anticipated Remuneration: Reward and Recognition Seminar for the Irish charitable sector on 25 April 2017 (9am to 1pm) in Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

The need for this seminar and learning opportunity for the sector is very clear. Many managers and board members of charitable, community & voluntary organisations are currently struggling to figure out how to develop and implement the most suitable remuneration policy and practice in their organisations, and this seminar offers an opportunity for them to do this.

The seminar will focus on practical options that are already in place and known to work. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution possible, and nor is there any-single-best-way to approach this, but with sharing our collective experiences on this, we believe that attendees will leave the session with very useful information, advice, and examples to equip them to make progress in this area back in their own organisations.

Attendance at the seminar is free; however, booking is essential as numbers are limited. Click here to register for the seminar.

The interactive discussion on European Funding and Policy taking place on Friday 7 April in Limerick, hosted by the leader of Fine Gael in the European Parliament Seán Kelly MEP and funded by the European Parliament.

Taking place from 11am – 1pm in the Absolute Hotel, Sir Harry’s Mall, Limerick, this short but highly impactful session will not only inform you about European fundingopportunities, but also give you a chance to consider some crucial questions, including:

  • What European programmes are suited to my organisation?
  • What is the value in engaging in Europe?

As mentioned, Seán Kelly MEP will be on hand to take your questions and provide insight into the EU-related issues that are most relevant to you. This is your opportunity to highlight your own context and challenges concerning EU funding and policy issues at the local and/or national level.

Some Background

The Wheel, in partnership with the Irish Environmental Network and the European Anti-Poverty Network, has recently embarked on a new project with funding from the Communications Directorate of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Intending to provide opportunities for civil society organisations in Ireland to engage with MEPs and European issues, our Civil Society and the European Parliament: Shaping Europe’s Future project comprises of a series of events running from December 2016 until May 2017.

Don’t miss out: book your place now.

Other News

Central Statistics Office – Household Survey Information

Did you know that interviewers from the Central Statistics Office conduct surveys in 3,000 households across the country every week of the year?

The Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO) conducts a number of Household Surveys. Such surveys gather information on the economic and social situation of households in Ireland.
The Household surveys include: The Census, The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC), The Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS), The Household Budget Survey (HBS) and Planning Permissions.
Central and local government, businesses, community organisations and many others rely on this information to help them make decisions that affect the lives of everyone living and working in the Ireland.

Taking part in a survey
Household surveys are conducted to collect valuable decision making information for the country. The information that householders provide is a vital tool in planning for the present and future needs of Ireland.  It enables the CSO to measure our country’s progress, on important social and economic issues, such as employment, poverty, childcare, health and crime.
The CSO employs Field Officers in the collection of Household Survey Statistics. All CSO interviewers carry an ID card with a photo. In the case of some surveys, the interviewer will use a tablet computer to record your answers.

If you have been asked to take part in one of our surveys, we will:

  • identify ourselves as from the CSO whenever we contact you, displaying our logo on all letters and leaflets and on our interviewers’ photo ID cards.
  • when interviewing you in your home or by telephone, arrange a time convenient to you.
  • try to make the experience of taking part in a survey as straightforward and as worthwhile as possible.
  • only ask as many people to take part as necessary for the accuracy of our statistics.
  • be honest with you about your participation being voluntary and give you a realistic idea of how long the survey may take.
  • remember that you have kindly taken the time to speak to us – in your home, on the phone or in a port or airport – and respect your privacy.

Confidentiality is a priority for the CSO and all information given to the interviewer is
encrypted, transmitted securely and is used for statistical purposes only. Results are published in aggregate format only, and it is impossible for individuals or households to be identified. This confidentiality is guaranteed by law under the Statistics Act, 1993.

Further information
If you would like more information on CSO household surveys you can contact information@cso.ie / eolas@cso.ie.

If you have already taken part in one of our surveys we thank you for your time and welcome your views on what you thought of your experience.

Refresh Thurles – Residents Association Handbook

Refresh Thurles has published a Residents Association Handbook.  Below you will find a pdf version of this useful guide to organising a Residents Association in your Estate or Street.  The information contained has a focus on the Templemore Thurles Roscrea Municipal District but even if you live in another District the core information is very relevant and applicable.

Refresh Thurles compiles the Tidy Town Entry for Thurles and cordially invites all active Residents Associations in Thurles to contact them at Refreshthurles@gmail.com, via Refresh Thurles on Facebook or at telephone 087 270 1689.  Anyone interested in setting up a Residents Association in Thurles is also invited to contact Refresh Thurles.  Perhaps a meeting of all the Residents Associations in Thurles once a year might be a useful event that Refresh could organise for the Community.

The Handbook is also available in hard copy – copies available in the Citizens Information Office in Croke Street or the Parish Office on Cathedral Street.  Please feel free to contact Refresh Thurles directly to obtain a copy.

Until the end of May, Refresh Thurles will be taking entries for their Thurles Community Estates/Streetscape Competition.  There are 3 categories (by size) for Estates and a Streetscape category. The winner in each of the four categories will receive €200.00 to be reinvested in their Estate/Street.

Please like Refresh Thurles on Facebook to keep in contact with their events.

The Residents Association Handbook is attached to this newsletter.










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